You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 776

Mr. Gu took his laptop and answered, "yes."

Ye Xingbei

She was too cheeky to even recognize her sarcasm!

I'm sorry!

constantly tucked up the heart, Ye Xing Bei still make complaints about cutting the fruit into pieces, and forks with silver small forks, and handed them to Gu Jun's lips. "Why did you say your uncle let her go to what he was?" Aren't you still mad at her? "

"I'm still angry with her," Gu Junzhu said, looking at the computer. "But living in a side building has the advantages of side building. There are some side buildings, such as Yanbing, Xiaochi, Xiaocheng, Gusha, xuenuo and yunnuo. What's in the main building? I, you, Xiao Qiao, a Yao, misheng, situ Jinse, which one can she marry? Only when you are near water can you get the moon first, do you understand? "

“……” Ye Xingbei's eyes widened: "are you worrying about joy's life? You don't count snow and rain, do you

"Why not?" Gu Jun hums faintly, "if she can take a fancy to snow and rain, I would like to thank her parents for not completely turning her into a fool!"

"Er..." Ye Xingbei said: "I'm not saying that snow and rain are bad. I think Joey's character doesn't match snow and rain at all."

She didn't mean to be honest.

It's just one aspect that Joey and Xue Nuo and Yu Nuo have different personalities. She didn't expect that Gu Wuye didn't have such a thorough family view.

Of course, she thinks snow and rain are the best, but in the eyes of most people, snow and rain are very humble.

She did not expect, Gu Jun Zhuo in this kind of thing, so free and easy, do not care.

She fed Gu Jun a piece of fruit one by one and patted him on the shoulder with emotion. "I'm wrong. You're not a fake uncle. You're a real uncle. You're not much different from your father. It's great. Come and eat more!"

Without waiting for Gu Jun to finish eating the fruit in her mouth, she picked the biggest one and put it in.

Gu Jun by good easy to chew swallow, side of her down in the body, "Ye Xiaobei, you want to choke me?"

Ye Xingbei did it on purpose.

She couldn't laugh at the contrast between the noble and arrogant look of Mr. Gu's face.

Gu Junzhu put his hand into her clothes, "Ye Xiaobei, one night did not clean you up, you scratch, right?"

"Bah," yexingbei spat at him, "you just scratch."

"You didn't scratch me. I'm dealing with business properly. You're uneasy. You deliberately tease me?" Gu Jun bit her lip. "Honey, do you suddenly find that I'm wise and powerful, omnipotent, and can't wait to agree with each other, but unexpectedly, I'm so engrossed in my work that I ignore you, so you want to cry, and you're unwilling to do so. You've racked your brains to win my attention, just ask me to see you, and let go of your work to be lucky for you?"

Ye Xingbei

She opened her arms and drew the largest circle. She looked at Gu Junzhu solemnly and said, "Gu Junzhu, do you see that? Your face is so big! "

"Is it?" Gu's face was more serious than her: "Ye Xiaobei, do you know? Your chest is bigger than my face. My face is so big. Your chest is several circles bigger than my face. Is your dress under your clothes? "

"Nonsense Ye Xingbei spat at him with a red face, "your chest is so big. I'm not a monster!"

"You two add up to be bigger than my face!" Gu five Ye is serious: "don't believe you take off clothes, let's compare." , the fastest update of the webnovel!