You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 771

He turned his eyes and looked at Fang Siqi, "misheng Misheng was when I went to the capital. We two... "

Fang Siqi glared at him with indignant eyes and scolded him: "beast! The most regretful thing in my life is that I once loved you

Mi Junyuan encircles her shoulder, embraces her and pats her placidly.

She looked up at Mi Junyuan with soft eyes and sour voice: "if there is a next life, I hope the person I met at the beginning is Junyuan. I hope I can marry Junyuan cleanly."

"Don't say that," Mi Junyuan patted her on the back. "You are always the purest and cleanest in my mind."

Fang covered his mouth and shook his head in tears. "I didn't I gave birth to two children for fanglutong... "

She turned her head fiercely and looked at Fang Lutong with hatred. "After that night, I found that I was pregnant with your child, and I was threatened by Fang Haichuan. I couldn't contact you. I wanted to kill the child, but the doctor said that my health was bad. Killing the child might endanger my life. Even if I didn't die, I would lose my right to be a mother forever. I had no choice but to give birth to the child."

She clenched mi Junyuan's hand. "Junyuan clearly knows that I am pregnant with your child. He still takes care of me, takes great pains to accompany me to give birth, and hides with me in a lonely town for more than nine months. He accompanies me to give birth to the child and send it back to your Fang family. But how do you treat that child? And misheng... "

She turned her eyes and looked at misheng. Her eyes were full of pain: "you went to Beijing on a business trip, we ran into each other, and you blew me up..."

Her voice trembled and she shook her head: "just once Just once, I was pregnant with Sheng Sheng. I don't know if Sheng Sheng Sheng is your child or Junyuan's child. I dare not tell anyone that I hid all my pain and gave birth to Sheng Sheng. It was only when Sheng Sheng was more than one year old and got sick for blood test that Junyuan knew that Sheng Sheng was not his daughter. But Junyuan didn't blame me. He didn't get angry with me. He listened to me patiently Explain that he didn't tell anyone about Sheng Sheng's life experience. He helped me raise Sheng Sheng... "

She looked at Fang Lutong again and wept bitterly: "Fang Lutong, you are Fang Haichuan's son. You are the same animal as him. Your father forced my mother, and you forced me. Fang Lutong, you should die, your family should die!"

All these are just a few words.

But in those days, these things almost forced her to death.

If it wasn't for MI Junyuan who never doubted her and supported her unswervingly, her fate might be the same as her mother.

Listening to Fang Siqi's bloody accusation, ye Xingbei can't help looking at Gu Junzhu, admiring him. The truth of

as like as two peas in one year is almost identical with Gu Junzhu's reasoning.

She especially wanted to feel Gu Junzhu's head carefully and study the difference between this guy's head and others.

It's just all the daily trifles related to Fang's family that his subordinates found out. He forced Gu Wu ye to deduce the whole incident from eight to nine.

At this moment, ye Xingbei's worship of Gu Junzhu reached its peak.

Feeling her burning eyes, Gu Jun looked down at her, leaned over her ear and blew a mouthful. With the volume that only two people could hear, he said, "honey, do you admire me now, especially want to make a personal commitment?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!