You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 772

Ye Xingbei

Ha ha.

Sure enough, no matter how wise and powerful he is in front of others, he is still the shameless rascal behind him!

Looking at Gu Junzhu, who is leisurely and leisurely, laughing at Ye Xingbei, Fang Yixian feels bitter as if he has swallowed a few catties of Coptis.

The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy.

For Gu Junzhu, it may just be an interesting game.

For his family, it was a disaster.

He looked dejected, suppressed the strong anger and unwillingness in his heart, went to Fang Lutong and said in a low voice, "Dad, let's go back."

"Go back?" Fang Lutong repeated blankly: "go back? Where are you going? "

Fang Yixian frowned and said patiently, "go back to our own home, Dad."

Fang Lutong turned his eyes and fell on Si Qi's face: "Qi Qi "Qiqi..."

He wants to marry Fang Siqi, form a family with him, have children and grow old.

Fang Siqi gave birth to a son and a daughter for him. If there were not so many villains, he and Fang Siqi would be the happiest couple in the world.

But in fact, he spent half his life with a vicious woman who calculated him, and had a son and a daughter.

Thinking of his stupid life, he suddenly began to laugh, laugh and cry.

He's crying and laughing. He's crazy.

Fang Yixian's heart and hair were bitter. He squatted down in front of him and held his hand. "Dad, don't be sad, you and us. Anyway, Mingzhu and I are your children. We will honor you in the future."

"Children? So what? " Fang Lutong cried and laughed and said, "ah Yao and Xiaomi are also my children, so what?"

A dying life tormented by him.

One he didn't raise in a day.

Fang Yixian frowned more tightly, "Dad, I know that my mother has done a lot of unforgivable things, but Mingzhu and I are innocent. With you, me and Mingzhu, our family is still here. Dad, for me and Mingzhu, would you cheer up?"

"You are innocent?" Fang Lutong laughed, "isn't Yao innocent? He didn't know what evil he had done in his last life, but in this life he just spread out my stupid father. "

"Ah Yao..." Fang Yixian pursed her lips: "Dad, it's going to be a long time. Shall we compensate him in the future? Now let's go home first, shall we? "

This is the end of the matter. There is only pain and embarrassment to stay here.

Now he just wants to run away from this place quickly, go back and think about how to help his mother win the lawsuit and not let her go to prison.

"In the future? Don't worry about it in the future. " All of a sudden, Fang Lutong sat upright, and his eyes became clear.

"Dad?" Looking at Fang Lutong's face, Fang Yixian suddenly had a very bad premonition.

He nervously clenched Passepartout's hand and pleaded, "Dad, think twice! Mingzhu and I are your own flesh and blood. You brought them up little by little. Don't you care for us at all? "

"I love you, who loves my Yao?" Fang Lutong shook off his hand and looked at Gu Junzhu: "Gu Shao, there's no need to fight a lawsuit about the company. I'm willing to transfer all my shares to a Yao."

As soon as he said this, Fang Yixian's face changed.

"No," Gu Junzhu lightly refused, "I will help ah Yao get back what he deserves, not gifts and alms. That's what your Fang family owes him. He just gets back what belongs to him."


I still have a companion to ask why brother Wu is so smart. Why doesn't he know that Xiaoshu is his son? Yunyun explains it for the last time.

First, the so-called authorities are obsessed. Doctors do not treat themselves and do not know the true face of Lushan. Just because they are in the mountains, it can be seen that the authorities are not sensitive to their own affairs.

Second, he will only seek the answer if he doubts first. Brother five trusts and admires his father most. His father tells him that he has done a paternity test, and Xiaoshu has nothing to do with him. He has never doubted his father, so he has never doubted the relationship between Xiaoshu and him.

Third, he pursues the affairs of the master's family in order to avenge Beibei and the affairs of Fang's family in order to vent his anger on Xiaoqiao. However, he has no reason to pursue the affairs of Xiaoshu. When a certain opportunity occurs, it makes him doubt his relationship with Xiaoshu. The seeds of doubt are buried, and then he goes to investigate, and the truth will come to light.

Thank you again for your company and love, Da Mo ~

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