You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 770

Fang Mingzhu ran after her in tears and was stopped by the last policeman.

Fang Mingzhu wrestled with the policeman for a moment. She cried and fell to the ground.

She fell on the ground, crying as loud as she could.

She didn't understand why things had suddenly become like this.

Her favorite grandfather became a murderer.

Her loving parents turned into enemies.

Her beautiful and noble mother became a prisoner.

Her brother, the only heir to the Fang family, suddenly became the second.

Needless to say, she also knows that from now on, she is no longer the most shining pearl of Fang family.

When the news about her grandfather and her mother gets around, she will become a laughing stock.


Her good home, how suddenly destroyed it!

It's misheng!

Suddenly she clenched her fist, and there was a strong hatred in her eyes.


It's misheng!

Because misheng seduces Qiao Zui, and her mother helps her fight for Qiao Zui, it will involve Fang Siqi and her father.

Gu Junzhu will find out Fang Yao's life experience and her grandfather's murder.

It's all because of misheng!

She struggled to get up from the ground, ran back to the room and rushed to misheng.

Without waiting for her to rush to misheng, Qiao Zui and Fang Yao move their bodies at the same time, blocking misheng behind them.

Fang Mingzhu beat Qiao Zui's chest: "get out of the way, get out of the way! It's her. She's the one who's done this to our family! If she hadn't seduced you, my mother wouldn't have gone to Fang Siqi, or... "

Before she finished speaking, she was cut in the back of her neck by Fang Yixian's hand blade.

Her eyes rolled and she fainted.

Fang Yixian catches her soft body and gives it to the bodyguard behind her, "send the eldest lady back to rest."

He already has a mother in prison, and he doesn't want to have more sisters in prison.

Looking at Qiao Zui and Fang Yao standing in front of her, misheng suddenly moistened his eyes.

In the past, the best person in the world was her best friend, situ Jinse.

She has only friends, no family.

Now, she has not only a family, but also a lover.

She suddenly felt that she had become the happiest person in the world!

She can't help but go forward and reach out to separate Qiao Zui and Fang Yao, who are standing side by side. One hand holds Qiao Zui's arm, and the other hand holds Fang Yao's arm. She looks at Qiao Zui and Fang Yao, and her face is full of happy and satisfied smile.

Joe drunk was tickled by her smile. He couldn't help holding her in his arms. He lowered his head to her ear and whispered, "it's too foul of you to laugh in front of so many people. I want to kiss you."

Misheng blushed, pushed him away, took Fang Yao's arm, looked up at Fang Yao and called, "brother."

Fang Yao Leng next, eyes suddenly filled with a smile, "well."

These two days, although they get along day and night, but misheng is the first time to call him brother.

Only two words, but full of trust and dependence, let his heart full.

His sister, really cute.

Fang Lutong stares at the interaction between Fang Yao and misheng. He suddenly realizes the despair before he committed suicide.

Now he also wants to commit suicide.

In front of him, a pair of brother and sister with outstanding temperament and proud appearance, one is his son, the other is his daughter.

It's the flesh and blood of his beloved woman.

But he missed all their growth.

He didn't give them anything.

There is probably no more sad man or more failed father in the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!