You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 769

"What's the use of knowing each other for a long time? I know so many female students in my kindergarten, who is not longer than you? " Joe drunk disgusted at her, "before I didn't like you, because I didn't call you, you're not my dish, now I don't like you, because I think you're disgusting!"

Fang Mingzhu was hit by Qiao's drunken and straightforward language. Her face was pale and shaky. She shook her head vigorously. "Brother Xiao Qiao, I like you so much. I've been working hard to treat you. How can you treat me like this?"

"Are you good to me?" Qiao drunk sneer, "your mother threatened Fang Siqi, let Fang Siqi lie to cheat Xiaomi, forced Xiaomi to break up with me, you know?"

Fang Mingzhu was stunned and opened her mouth to deny it.

But her mother was by her side, and somehow she could not deny it.

Qiao Zui looked askew at Ye Xingbei standing beside him: "little aunt, do you see that? This is called "like mother, like daughter."! Twenty years ago, her mother schemed against Fang Lutong in order to marry him. Now she schemed against me in order to marry me! "

Qiao Zui patted his chest: "fortunately, I'm not as stupid as Fang Lutong..."

Gu Jun glanced at him one by one.

He choked, coughed a few times, and said, "fortunately, I have a good uncle. He helped me settle the matter, or I would be the second one! Little aunt, do you think it's bad luck for me to be liked by such a vicious woman? "

"Bad luck," Ye Xingbei nodded with, "you're right. Fortunately, you have a good uncle."

Qiao drunk flattered to Gu Jun one by one smile, "little uncle, you can rest assured that when you are old, I will be filial to you!"

Gu Junzhu glanced at him with an idiot's eyes and ignored him.

Looking at the interaction between Qiao Zui and Gu Junzhu's nephew, Fang Yixian is not happy.

Just a few days ago, he was the most beautiful young master of Fang family in Fengcheng.

Although Fang Yao is also his father's son, compared with him, Fang Yao is as humble as the mud under his feet.

Now, it's only a few days. Feng Shui has changed in turn, and Fang Yao will soon become more honorable and valuable than him.

And he, if his mother is really sentenced to prison, has a mother in prison, whether it is him or Fang Mingzhu, the future marriage affairs will certainly be affected.

He is anxious, let people stop the police, don't let the police take his mother away, he racked his brains to think of a way, hope to keep his mother.

He looked at Fang Yao pleadingly: "ah Yao, I have never asked you anything, I will ask you this time, please, I can promise you all the requirements, just ask you not to let my mother go to prison."

"You don't have to waste your words any more," Fang Yao said coldly, looking at him. "Bad people must be punished. Only in this world can there be justice. Good people are more willing to be good people, and bad people dare not be bad people. In my life, what I want to do most is to maintain peace and justice in this world. If Yi Xinning does something wrong, he should be punished. I won't take justice and the law with him You make a deal. "

Gu Junzhu took a look at Gu Chi.

Gu Chi immediately brought people forward and pushed away several Fang Yao's men who blocked the door.

The police escorted Yi Xinning towards the door.

Yi Xinning panicked and turned back to Fang Yixian and yelled: "ah Xian, help mom, help mom, mom, don't go to jail! Ah Xian... "

Fang Yixian has no choice but to watch the police take her away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!