You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 765

Yi Xinning just denied: "I didn't, you are a bunch of nonsense."

No matter what others say, she can't admit it.

How can she admit in front of her children that she had a chance to be their mother when she and Fang Haichuan calculated their father?

She can't let her children know what kind of person she is.

She can't.

So she won't even admit it.

"Do you think you don't exist if you don't admit it?" Ye Xingbei looked at her contemptuously and hummed coldly, "justice is in the heart of the people. You don't recognize it. Everyone understands the fact. You are a vicious woman who colludes with Fang Haichuan in order to marry the man you like, regardless of other people's lives. It's useless for you to refuse so many witnesses!"

"It's OK. It doesn't matter to me that you dogs bite dogs. I don't care whether you recognize it or not," Gu Junzhu said, looking at Yi Xinning gracefully with a lazy smile. "I only care about what's related to me. As long as it's related to me, you can't deny it Xiaochi. "

" yes, young master! " Gu Chi answered a, and from the hands of several information.

Gu Jun looks at Yi Xinning with arms in his arms. His posture is leisurely, but he is full of the upper class's momentum and prestige. "Now, Mrs. Fang, let's calculate the account of your maltreatment of a Yao You already know that ah Yao is the son of your husband Fang Lutong, right? "

"I don't know," Yi Xinning said indifferently, "I only know that Fang Yao is the son of the bitch mi Junyuan and Fang Siqi."

"No, you know that Fang Yao is Fang Lutong's son," Gu Junzhu took some information from Gu Chi's hand, flipped his fingers over the document and read: "in August when Fang Yao was 12 years old, Yi Xinning broke Fang Yao's right leg and broke his four ribs."

"When Fang Yao was 12 years old in December, Yi Xinning pushed him into the ice hole. Fang Yao had a high fever and pneumonia. He was hospitalized for one month and five days."

"Fang Yao was 13 years old. In March, Yi Xinning scalded Fang Yao's left chest. Fang Yao was hospitalized for 27 days. In May, he broke Fang Yao's head. In August..."

"Don't read it, don't read it, don't read it..." Fang Siqi suddenly collapsed, covered his head with both hands, shook his head desperately, and cried bitterly.

Gu Jun glanced at her one by one, ignored her, and continued to read: "in August, Fang Yao was knocked unconscious by a whip, lost too much blood, and was hospitalized for seven days. In November of the same year, Fang Yao hung himself on a tree in the snow for a night, had a high fever and pneumonia, and was hospitalized for 17 days, December..."

"Don't read it, don't read it!" Fang Siqi collapsed and roared. He pushed away mi Junyuan and rushed to Fang Lutong. He grabbed his collar and slapped him with all his strength.

She grabbed Fang Lutong's collar and shook it desperately. "Fang Lutong, why are you so cruel? How can you be so cruel? That's your son! Your own son! I can't marry Junyuan with him. I can only give him to you. Fang Haichuan keeps saying that he will take care of him for me. How can you treat him like that? Fang Lutong, I fell in love with you when I was blind. I wanted to marry you when I was blind. You are not human, you are animal! Beast

She slapped Fang Lutong in the face and sat on the ground crying.

It was her son born in October.

She went to Mi's house alone with MI Junyuan.

She knew that the family would not welcome her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!