You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 766

She and Fang Lutong's son follow mi Junyuan. They can only work as cattle and horses for the MI family all their lives, but they can't get any inheritance right.

With Fang Lutong, you can at least get part of the inheritance right of Fang family.

When she held the child to Fang Haichuan, it was as painful as cutting a piece of meat from her heart.

But for the sake of her child's future, she can only bear it.

Although she and Fang Haichuan had broken off the relationship at that time, she didn't think it was Fang Haichuan's fault at that time.

She put the blame on her, and felt that she should not seduce her brother and discredit the Fang family.

In her mind, Fang Haichuan at that time was still a kind, loving and trustworthy elder.

It never occurred to her that her son lived such a life in Fang's house.

Listen to Gu Jun by read those, she heartache want to die, desperately beat his head.

She's stupid.

Stupid as a pig, she was treated as her son.

She is the most failed mother in the world.

Mi Junyuan grabbed her, slapped her hand, pressed her arms, and held her in his arms.

Fang Siqi cried out loud and looked at Fang Yao, "I'm sorry Sorry I'm sorry... "

Fang Yao just looked at her indifferently, with no expression on his face.

Sorry, these three words are too cheap for him.

Whether his father or his mother, for him, at the moment is irrelevant.

He won't forgive anyone again.

I will not wait for anyone's love.

He's got misheng, he's got Joe drunk, that's enough.

Gu Jun finger by finger a loose, a few pieces of tissue, splashed on the ground.

Gu Junzhu looked at Yi Xinning with a playful smile. "Mrs. Fang, seeing that you are so calm, you don't think that I just want to read these pieces of paper, do you?"

Fang Yixian suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart and called nervously: "brother five..."

"Don't be so intimate. I'm not so familiar with you," Gu Jun said, looking at Fang Yixian with a smile. "I'm really sad for you. You should look at her yourself. Up to now, does she feel a little sorry for ah Yao?"

"Why should I be sorry?" Yi Xinning stares at Gu Junzhu, and his eyes are vicious. "I just hate that he didn't kill this wild seed in those years, and let him bring you nosy bitches to interfere in our Fang family's affairs."

If she had thought of a way to kill Fang Yao, Fang Yao would not have brought Gu Junzhu and these people to Fang's house.

The secret of Fang Yao's life will always be a secret, and Fang Lutong will not know the secret past. He will turn against her and treat her as an enemy.

"It's OK. It doesn't matter if you don't feel guilty now," Gu Jun said with a smile. "Mrs. Fang, you probably don't know that there is a crime in the world, which is called maltreatment? The crime of maltreatment, if the circumstances are serious, may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than two years but not more than seven years. "

Gu Junzhu looked at Yi Xinning and said with a long smile, "Mrs. Fang, don't worry, I will ask the best lawyer to let you live in prison for seven years. When you go to prison, you have nothing to do. You have plenty of time to repent for what you have done to a Yao."

"No! No way Yi Xinning suddenly changed color, "it's impossible! I've raised that son of a bitch for so many years. What's wrong with slapping him? Don't be alarmist, I won't go to jail, I won't! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!