You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 764

Fang Siqi holds mi Junyuan's hand, looks up at Mi Junyuan, and then says: "Junyuan was injured by Fang Lutong and was sent to the hospital. Fang Haichuan sent someone to take Fang Lutong out of the room. Fang Haichuan stayed and told me that the person I slept with last night was Jun yuan, not Fang Lutong. I said no, I said I was sober and I knew I had a relationship with him Fang Haichuan said that no matter who I slept with last night, he could only be Fang Lutong. He told me that he would give me 22 years of nurturing grace in exchange for me to leave Fang Lutong. He said that even if he died, I would never be allowed to be with Fang Lutong. If I am not a beast, and if I appreciate his nurturing grace, let me not have any connection with Fang Lutong "It's a department."

At this point, Fang Siqi clenched mi Junyuan's hand, looked at Fang Lutong in a twinkling of an eye, and gritted his teeth with hatred: "I didn't expect that I didn't want to be a beast in his mouth. Under his pressure, he vowed never to contact you again. I didn't become a beast, but he was worse than a beast! What kind of upbringing? He killed my parents and took up my property. What's his face to tell me about the kindness of parenting? "

She only hates Fang Haichuan now.

At the moment, she wants to go to Fang Haichuan's graveyard and dig his grave, which will frustrate him.

Fang Lutong looked at Fang Siqi, tears dripping down his face.

From the beginning of his love, he loved to play chess.

He had never seen a more beautiful girl like Siqi, beautiful and charming, gentle and kind.

Since he was a child, he knew that Fang Siqi was not his own sister. When he understood the love between men and women, he took Fang Siqi as his child daughter-in-law.

There are too many sweet and romantic memories between him and Fang Siqi.

Even after he married Yi Xinning, he told himself that he must be a good husband and father because of his upbringing and responsibility. The past between him and Fang Siqi is still a dream.

The years when he fell in love with Fang Siqi were the sweetest and most complete time in his life.

After MI Junyuan was injured and hospitalized by him, Fang Siqi moved out of his home.

He once found Fang Siqi and questioned why she betrayed him.

Why are you with MI Junyuan.

He is no better than mi Junyuan.

Fang Siqi just cried and didn't say a word.

He only took it as Fang Siqi's default.

Where does he know that his father forced Fang Siqi to swear?

It was his own father who designed to separate him from Fang Siqi and collude with Yi Xinning to make a pile of them.

Funny. He thinks that Yi Xinning's love for him is sincere and warm. He is moved by Yi Xinning's true love and resents Fang Siqi's betrayal. Under the arrangement of his father, he married Yi Xinning.

Over the years, he worked hard to be a good husband and tried to give everything to Yi Xinning. In the end, it was a joke.

It's all jokes.

Gu Junzhu looked at Yi Xinning, his lips slightly crooked, and he said, "Mrs. Fang, do you have nothing to say?"

"Lie! You're all lying! " Under the comfort of her children, Yi Xinning has calmed down, and is indifferent: "whatever you say, I was the victim, I love brother Tong, he forced me, I forgave him, he proposed to me, I married him, it's so simple!"

"Do you think everyone else is a fool?" Ye Xingbei despised her, "everything is right. It was you and Fang Haichuan who made the ghost! A disgusting and vicious old boss, a selfish and vicious woman who only wants to achieve her own goal, working in collusion , the fastest update of the webnovel!