You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 763

"Of course, everything can't be said to others. I didn't do anything bad. I said everything," he looked down at Siqi around his shoulder. "I like Qiqi. On the 22nd birthday of Qiqi, I came from Beijing specially to celebrate its birthday. That night, I told Qiqi that she had a sweetheart. I was very disappointed and wanted to find her I gave an excuse to leave early and found a bar to get drunk. I stayed in the bar all night. My uncle Oh, it's Fang Haichuan. He sent someone to find me and said that Qiqi was ill. He knew that I like Qiqi and was willing to create conditions for me to take care of Qiqi. "

He looked at Siqi and said, "I heard that Qiqi was ill. I was worried and didn't care about anything. I went to watch Qiqi. Qiqi was really asleep in the hotel, and his temperature was a little high. Fang Haichuan told me, let me not disturb Qiqi's rest. I just watch Qiqi, and don't let Qiqi have an accident. I'm obedient to Qiqi, when it's daybreak When he got up, the ragged Fang Lutong burst in. He didn't say that I had an affair with Qiqi. Qiqi was quarreled by him. When he got up, the blanket was lifted to reveal the red on the bed. He went crazy and hurt my arm and ribs. I was sent to the hospital... "

"By the way," he said after a pause, added: "when I was taking care of chess by the chess bed, the hotel service staff gave me a bowl of wake-up soup, but accidentally it all spilled on me. I had to call my bodyguard and ask him to buy clothes for me, but I temporarily changed into the hotel robe, and Fang Lutong burst into the room In the middle of the night, I was wearing a nightgown... "

Fang Lutong has been helped by Fang Yixian and Fang Mingzhu to sit on the sofa, staring at Mi Junyuan, listening to his story.

He thought that on the night of Fang Siqi's birthday, they secretly fell in love for a long time. After getting drunk, they tasted the forbidden fruit and possessed each other's bodies.

But he was too drunk that night.

The next day, when he woke up, Yi Xinning was lying beside him. He was all muddled.

After Yi Xinning put on her clothes, she looked at him seriously and said that although it was his drunken promiscuity that forced her last night, she loved her, so she didn't blame him.

Yi Xinning said that last night's event, she will do, did not happen, will not mention with anyone, let him rest assured.

Just as he was trying to recall whether the person sleeping in his room last night was Yi Xinning or Si Qi, his father knocked on the door and told him that MI Junyuan was sleeping in Fang's room last night and asked him if mi Junyuan was in love with Fang.

He went mad at once.

He rushed into Fang's room and saw mi Junyuan sitting next to him in his pajamas.

Fang Siqi was awakened by the sound of his kicking the door. He sat up from the bed and didn't wear anything.

On the bedspread beside her, there was a dazzling drop of red, in addition, there was a little fine spot.

His cousin, a sweetheart whom he had admired for many years.

He suddenly collapsed, crazy, broke mi Junyuan's arm and ribs, MI Junyuan was sent to the hospital.

Over the years, he has never doubted the relationship between MI Junyuan and Fang Siqi.

But today, when the truth came out, he realized that he was a big fool who was fooled by his father. , the fastest update of the webnovel!