You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 762

"It's stupid. I understand it, but you don't!" Ye Xingbei looked at him and said, "you have been cheated! On the night of Siqi's 22nd birthday, it was Siqi who had a relationship with you, but you foolishly thought that it was Yi Xinning who had a relationship with you. After having a relationship with you, Siqi got pregnant with ah Yao and gave him to your father. As a result, you were cheated and treated your son as someone else's son. "

Ye Xingbei shakes his head, can't say whether he is hateful or pitiful, "there is really no one more stupid than you in this world!"

Fang Lutong stares at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei. He is stunned for a while. He suddenly thinks of something. His eyes turn and fall on Yi Xinning's face.

A moment later, he suddenly stormed up, rushed to Yi Xinning, hit her to the ground, rode on her, and grabbed her neck. His facial features were as ferocious as a ghost coming back from Hell: "are you? Did you plan me to play chess? It's you

He rides on Yi Xinning and strangles Yi Xinning's neck. Yi Xinning's eyes burst out, his breathing is not smooth, and he struggles desperately.

Fang Yixian and Fang Mingzhu tugged at him from left to right.

Fang Yixian finally roared: "Dad, are you crazy? She's my mother! It's your hairy wife! My mother and I

He pushed Fang Lutong to the ground.

Fang Lutong sat on the ground, looked at him for a moment, and suddenly began to laugh.

He began to laugh and cry, tears running down his cheek, "hairy wife? Ha! What a joke! I've lived to this day. It's a joke! "

He raised his eyes and looked at Fang Yao. He slapped himself with a loud backhand. He was so sad that he couldn't deal with it.

He calculated Fang Yixian, who was born by his woman. He loved him, taught him and gave him everything.

Fang Yao, who was born to him by his beloved woman, was regarded as a thorn in the flesh, which made his life worse than death.

Yi Xinning covered her neck and coughed for a long time before she gasped.

She looked at Fang Lutong, full of disbelief: "you want to strangle me? I give birth to children for you, do housework, you want to strangle me? Have you ever loved me, Passepartout? "

She rushed forward and grabbed Passepartout by the collar. "I ask you, have you ever loved me?"

"I loved you! Why didn't I love you? " Fang Lutong grabbed her collar with his backhand and looked at her grimly: "I thought you were a good woman who was gentle, kind, reasonable and devoted to me. Over the years, I have been devoted to you. I take care of you and take care of you. I give you the honor of Fang family. I let my children be filial to you, but what do you mean? It's fake

He gave Yi Xinning a slap in the face and fan her to the ground: "it's all fake! You calculated me! You've made me lose my favorite woman, you fool me like a fool, you wicked woman

Yi Xinning covered her face and shook her head in disbelief, "you hit me? You hit me? "

"Don't sigh," Gu Jun said, holding his arms leisurely and looking at them with great interest, "today's time is so good. You four parties are here. On the night of Siqi's 22nd birthday, I'm very interested in what happened. Why don't we listen to it?"

Mi Jun looked at Gu Junzhu from a distance and suddenly said, "I'll talk first."

"Yes," Gu Jun nodded with a smile, "but remember to tell the truth. Lying will pay a price. It hurts to hit the face, Mr. MI." , the fastest update of the webnovel!