You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 761

Fang Lutong suddenly woke up. He stood up from the sofa and stared at Gu Junzhu. He trembled all over: "what do you say? Gu Junzhu, what do you say? On Qiqi's 22nd birthday, who was Qiqi with me? Isn't it Xinning? "

He shook his head with a pale face, "how could this happen How could this be... "

Gu Jun looked at him with an idiot's eyes and told Gu Chi: "Xiao Chi."

"Yes, young master," Gu Chi nodded, took a document from his hand behind him, went to Fang Lutong and handed it to him.

Gu Jun holds his arms and looks at Fang Lutong. "This is Fang Yao's paternity test with you. Fang Yao is your own son with Siqi."

He raised his hand and rubbed his chin. "Calculate the date of a Yao's birth, the day when Si Qi was pregnant, before and after her 22nd birthday. How many times have you had relations with Si Qi before and after that?"

Fang Lutong trembled his fingers and looked through the paternity test again and again.

After a long time, he looked up at Fang Yao with a hasty look and a pale face. "You are my son You are my son No No No It's not... "

Is Fang Yao his son?

How did he get to know Yao for so many years?

Beat him, scold him, abuse him, ignore him.

Fang Yao had been in Fang's family for 20 years, but he didn't love Fang Yao for a day.

What he gave Fang Yao was pain, indifference and hurt.

"How could that be?" He threw the paternity certificate, hugged his head in pain, yelled desperately, and looked up at Siqi fiercely. His eyes were red and his facial features were ferocious, just like a fierce Ghost: "fangsiqi, is your heart made of iron? Ah Yao Mingming is my son. Why do you say he is the son of MI Junyuan? Are you crazy? "

"You're crazy!" Fang Siqi trembled and pointed to Fang Yao. "When I gave him to Fang Haichuan, it was clear that he was your son and the seed of your Fang family. At that time, I had decided to forget the past and live well with Junyuan. I couldn't take your son to marry Junyuan, so I handed him over to Fang Haichuan and let Fang Haichuan take care of his family Take care of him, you You Why do you call him Junyuan's son? "

"No No... " Fang Lutong murmured, "it's not like this I and I accidentally found my father hiding a child in a house. I asked him what was the matter. He told me that it was your son who was born to MI Junyuan. You were unmarried and were afraid that Mi's family would not accept it, so you left the child to him to take care of. After you got a firm foothold in Mi's family, you could take the child back... "

He looked up at Siqi and trembled in pain: "I love you so much, but you betrayed me and gave birth to a son with MI Junyuan. I hate it like I'm dying, so So... "

So he took the child and asked his father to tell Fang Siqi and MI Junyuan that their son was dead.

He adopted Fang Yao.

He abused Fang Yao.

Every time he beat Fang Yao and watched him suffer, he had the pleasure of stepping on Fang Siqi and MI Junyuan.

But now Gu Junzhu tells him that Fang Yao is his son.

It's the son of him and Fang Siqi.

How could that be?

He suffered and wanted to die, his chest was tumbling, and suddenly he bent down and vomited blood.



Fang Yixian and Fang Mingzhu were shocked. One of them held his arm, one called Dad, the other called doctor.

Fang Lutong pushed them away, covered his chest and looked at Gu Junzhu: "tell me, why? Why is that? "

"So far, haven't you got it?" Gu Jun hugs his arms and looks at him contemptuously. Tut tut shakes his head. "It's so stupid. It really deserves to be played!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!