You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 760

Knowing that Fang Yao was Fang Siqi's own son, she agreed to Gu Junzhu's request without hesitation.

If Gu Jun did not save her, she would die miserably in a mental hospital full of grievances.

I don't know when the real face of Fang Haichuan's beast will be revealed. The stock right of Si family may always be manipulated by Fang family's beasts.

Gu Junzhu is her life-saving benefactor. If Gu Junzhu wanted the equity of the family, she might hesitate. But Gu Junzhu wanted the equity for her sister's grandson, and she didn't even hesitate.

No matter to Siqi or to Yao, she doesn't have deep feelings.

It doesn't matter to her whether to give equity to Siqi or to Fang Yao.

It is important for her to redress the grievances of her sister and brother-in-law.

What she hates most now is Fang Haichuan's death.

If Fang Haichuan is not dead, she will drag the sick body to stab him to death.

Cut him to pieces, and then stab him in the heart!

Yi Xinning, who had been indifferent, finally changed her face.

She burst into a rage and screamed, "it's all bullshit! It's been a long time. You can say whatever you want? Just because these people want us to take out the equity? You dream

"Don't worry," Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "I've already called the police. After we've finished talking, the police will come in and take notes for you one by one. The police have also filed Fang Haichuan's murder and property embezzlement cases. Finally, the police will give justice to who is right and who is wrong."

"You You... " Yi Xinning's whole body trembled with anger and roared: "our Fang family is a century old family. What's the Si family? Don't talk about it! Everything in the Fang family belongs to my son. No one wants to take it away! "

"The reason is not in the high voice," Gu Jun glanced at her with a scornful smile. "What if the Fang family is a century old family? The family of Si is also an old family in Fengcheng. But because Si Pingyuan was not well behaved, he mistook jackals for brothers and cooperated with Fang Haichuan. As a result, he lost his life and destroyed the family's 100 year foundation. "

He said with a faint smile, "the rise and maintenance of a century old family is not easy, but the destruction is simple. Don't you think your father-in-law has done it? Kill the couple who are in charge of the family and take their daughter home. It's easy to take the century old foundation of the family as your own. It's a pity! "

He sighed with regret: "it's a pity that he died too early."

"Bullshit, bullshit, all bullshit!" Yi Xinning yelled angrily: "this is your conspiracy. I don't believe a word you said! Fang family is my son's, you don't want to seize my son's property, or I will fight with you! "

" don't worry about your son's property, let's talk about you, "Gu Junzhu said with a smile:" on the 22nd birthday of Siqi, Fang Lutong invited his relatives and friends to celebrate his birthday in Fengcheng hotel. Fang Lutong got drunk and was sent to the hotel room to have a rest. Later, Siqi also went to Fang Lutong's room, but he was the second At dawn, the woman in fanglutong's room becomes you, while Siqi, who was originally in fanglutong's room, appears in MI Junyuan's room. "

Gu Junzhu looked at Yi Xinning and said with a smile, "Mrs. Fang, it's a good trick to transplant flowers and trees." , the fastest update of the webnovel!