You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 757

Fang Siqi was angry, anxious and aggrieved. He was shaking all over. He was taken into his arms by Mi Junyuan and patted gently.

Gu Jun said faintly: "things are too much and too chaotic. Let's talk about the death of Siqi's father first according to the time period."

He looked at Gu Chi: "Xiao Chi."

Gu Chi nodded and took a tape recorder from his hands behind him.

Tape recorders are very old-fashioned and need to play tapes.

The tape is loaded. Gu Chi presses the play key.

Soon, a crying voice came out from the tape recorder: "Xiaowan, I'm my sister. When I heard this recording, I was dead. I can't stand it any more. I'm going to find Pingyuan."

"Fang Haichuan, the brute, blew me up. He was caught by your brother-in-law. He pushed your brother-in-law down the window. Your brother-in-law died."

"He let people rob Qiqi and threaten me. If I dare to call the police, he will let people kill Qiqi."

The woman in the recording sobbed: "Xiaowan, my sister can't stand it. My sister can't sleep all night. Closing her eyes is the way your brother-in-law is lying in a pool of blood. Opening her eyes, you can hear Qiqi crying. I can't stand it. I really can't stand it..."

"Xiaowan, Fang Haichuan's people are staring at me outside. I can't escape and go to the police. I'm afraid they will hurt Qiqi. This tape and my suicide note are hidden in a dark box. If God has eyes and you can find it, you can help your sister to call the police."

"Xiaowan, my sister is gone. I'm sorry for you. Please help me take care of Qiqi. I'm going to see your brother-in-law. I'm sorry I'm sorry... "

This is where the recording stops.

Fang Siqi has heard the recording, holding the tearful gentle, crying out of breath.

Mi Junyuan stood behind her, his eyes were red and he patted her on the back.

Fang Lutong's face was pale and his scalp was numb. He wet his back clothes in a cold sweat. He shook his lips and asked Gu Junzhu, "what is this?"

"The evidence of Fang Haichuan's murder," Gu Junzhu said faintly, "Fang Haichuan forcibly blew up his partner Si Pingyuan's wife Wen, kidnapped Si Pingyuan and his daughter Si Qi, that is, your adopted sister Fang Siqi, threatened Wen Wen not to report to the police, and Wen Wen couldn't bear the blow to commit suicide. After Wen Wen Wen died, Fang Haichuan adopted Si Qi and annexed Si Pingyuan's shares."

Gu Junzhu looked back at Fang Lutong, his eyes slightly contemptuous, "in those days, Fang's name was not Fang's, but" Sifang ". In those days, Si Pingyuan was the major shareholder of Sifang Co., Ltd., accounting for 55% of the company's shares, while your father Fang Haichuan only accounted for 45%. After the death of Si Pingyuan, he adopted Si Qi and naturally swallowed all the shares of Si Pingyuan. After the disappearance of Sifang group from the business world, he had the present Fang family. "

"No way It's impossible... " Passepartout turned pale and shook his head. "You're lying! My dad is not that kind of person! How could my dad kill someone? It's impossible to swallow the property of the chess player. It's impossible... "

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. I have evidence," Gu Jun told Gu Chi

Gu Chi nodded, opened the door and waved to the outside.

One is fat and the other is thin. Two middle-aged men in their fifties were brought in by the bodyguards of the family.

Fang Lutong saw two middle-aged men and cried out, "Uncle Chen? Uncle Lin? "

Gu Junzhu glanced at them faintly: "tell me what immoral things you did for Fang Haichuan in those years." , the fastest update of the webnovel!