You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 756

But the atmosphere in the room was so dignified that no matter how angry she was, she did not dare to leave her mother and her brother. She could only stare at misheng, hoping to kill him with an eye knife.

Fang Yao stood beside misheng, his face was probably the calmest of all the people in the audience.

His calm eyes are like the autumn lake, quiet, without any waves.

This morning, he already knew who his parents were in Gu Junzhu's mouth.

His father, Fang Lutong.

My biological mother, Si Qi.

Misheng is his sister to his father and mother.

For him, this has been the best result.

He just knows who his parents are.

The best thing is that he has a sister he likes very much, and the other side also likes his own sister very much.

These days, he was ill, injured and had a high fever. Misheng took care of him by the bedside.

Chat with him to relieve boredom, serve his daily life, cook soup and cut fruit for him, help him take a walk and cool him physically.

When the doctor changed the dressing, she was nervous and distressed. Her eyes were red. She tried her best to bear it, and her eyes were full of tears. Fang Yao's heart was as cold as stone, and she had a soft place.

How can there be such a lovely girl in the world?

Besides, this lovely girl is his own sister.

She likes him, cares for him, takes care of him, and needs him at the same time.

Misheng is just like a green bud growing on his desolate heart like a wasteland, which makes him full of vitality again.

He was not abandoned by the world.

In this world, he also has relatives connected with his blood, likes him and needs him.

That's it. That's good.

He didn't care about his parents for a long time.

With such a lovely sister, he has been compensated by fate.

He was content.

He looked at misheng and Qiao Zui, who were close to each other. His calm eyes suddenly showed a touch of warmth, just like the bright sun shining on the lake without waves. Although they were calm, they were warm.

What's more, his sister is going to marry his best brother. He and his best brother will be a family for the rest of his life.

Later, when his sister and his best brother have children, they will call him uncle and his best brother dad.

It's amazing.

It's beautiful, too.

In his life, it's OK to have them. Everything else is not important.

Gu Jun by pinching Ye Xingbei's hand, eyes swept from the room people, "people are all here, let's start."

Some of the people present came voluntarily, while others were used by the caretakers and unwilling to come.

But in any case, there are quite a lot of people.

Fanglutong is the most urgent and the first to speak.

When he looked at Siqi, his voice collapsed at the beginning: "Qiqi, tell me, why is a Yao my son? Didn't you say that ah Yao was the son of MI Junyuan? "

Fang Siqi was stunned by thunder. "What are you talking about? Ah Yao has always been your son. When I handed him over to Fang Haichuan, I made it very clear that ah Yao is your son. What is Junyuan's son? What are you talking about? "

"Shut up, you two," Gu Junzhu frowned impatiently. "All the puzzles will have an answer today, but you have to listen to me. Who can I tell to talk to, or you'll get out first!"

Fang Lutong wanted to ask, but was deterred by Gu Junzhu's momentum. He opened his mouth and said nothing more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!