You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 758

The fat man's face was full of fear and sweat beads on his forehead.

He wiped the sweat, face gray said: "I say first."

"No," Gu Jun pointed to the thin man, "you say first."

The named skinny man looked at Gu Jun one by one and then looked at Fang Lutong, "young master, what happened in the recording is true. That day, Fang Dong got drunk and ran into Si Pingyuan's house. At that time, I was Fang Dong's bodyguard. That day, I was on duty. After Fang Dong went upstairs, I was waiting in the car downstairs. About an hour later, Si Pingyuan came back and a few minutes later He fell from the window, fell to the ground and died. "

He looked at Fang Lutong with a look of recollection and regret on his face: "Fang Dong immediately called me to go up. When I ran into Si Pingyuan's house, Si Pingyuan's wife was lying at the window in ragged clothes. She had fainted. After I entered the door "

he turned his eyes and looked at Siqi:" after I entered the door, Fang Dong ran into Miss Siqi's baby room, gave her to me and asked me to hide her So I took Miss Siqi in my arms and found a quiet place to hide... "

Si Qi cried and shook his head: "beast! Beast! Beast

She lived in this world for more than 40 years before she knew that adopting her adoptive father was a beast who killed her family and swallowed all her property!

The thin man breathed a sigh and continued: "I took Miss Siqi to hide for more than a month. One day, I suddenly got the news that Miss Siqi's mother jumped off a building and committed suicide. I was shocked and sad..."

He shook his head, "I'm not a bad person. I was educated to be a poor person, but I can never be a bad person. I've never done anything bad since I was young. But at that time, I just held Miss Siqi for more than a month, and I became an accomplice in forcing Miss Siqi's mother to die..."

He looked at Siqi and said with shame: "Miss Siqi, I'm sorry. I've done such a bad thing in my life. I've been suffering from sleep and food troubles for many years. I've always wanted to find a chance to say this to you. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

He bowed down to Siqi and said, "I'm sorry I'm sorry... "

Si Qi cried and shook his head.

Her voice became hoarse and she couldn't cry. She became a very uncomfortable sob.

Mi Junyuan more tightly into his arms, bowed his head to kiss her hair to appease.

Fang Lutong stood in the same place, his face full of disbelief, "no, it's not true It's not true... "

Gu Junzhu looked at the fat man: "you say."

"Yes, yes, I said, I said." Fat man nodded, sweat has wet his face, even the hair is wet, looks particularly funny.

Fang Lutong looked at the fat man in a trance.

He is most familiar with this fat middle-aged man. This is their financial director, Chen Yuan.

Just now that thin man, named Lin Kangjian, used to be the manager of Fang's logistics and security department, and retired ten years ago.

These two people are the people his father trusted most.

He said he didn't believe it, but he already believed it in his heart.

His father is a murderer.

A killer who annexed a partner company

Chen Yuan tells us how Fang Haichuan let Si Pingyuan and Wen Wen operate after his death and how he swallowed all the property of Si family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!