You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 755

Ye Xingbei and Gu Junzhu walk into Wenwan's ward together. When they see Wenwan, they are shocked.

She had never seen such a thin person in reality.

The woman lying on the hospital bed is as pale as paper and thin as paper.

She was so thin that she only had a bone shelf. She was covered with skin and bones. She didn't seem to have any meat or two.

See Gu Junzhu with Ye Xingbei come in, gentle blunt Gu Junzhu smile.

It can be seen from her expression that she has seen Gu Junzhu.

Ye Xingbei can't help holding Gu Junzhu's hand.

These three days, Gu Junzhu is very busy every day.

Sometimes I go out in a hurry. After I come out, I integrate the data in my study, thinking and deliberating.

Ye Xingbei is afraid to disturb his thinking, never pester him to ask what, just try to take good care of his life.

These three days, she and Duan Yanbing take Xiaoshu and Lingyue to eat, drink and play in the famous scenic spots of Fengcheng. Gu Wuye goes out early and comes back late, so there is no time for busy meals.

It's not easy to be an uncle.

It's not for Joe to get drunk. How can Gu Wu spend so much energy?

Although it's only three days, it's estimated that a lot of brain cells have died and the soles of shoes have been worn thin.

However, ye Xingbei likes such a man.

Like and admire.

She likes such a man with wisdom, strategy, responsibility and kindness to his family.

Stay with him and make her feel safe.

A strange marriage from the sky, did not expect to let her pick up such a good man, ye Xingbei's heart suddenly happy, hold Gu Junzhu's hand tightly.

Gu Junzhu greets Wen Wan, introduces Ye Xingbei to Wen Wan, and takes Ye Xingbei to stand by the window.

He holds Ye Xingbei's hand in one hand, and inserts the other hand in his pocket at will. His back is against the window, and his posture is casual and lazy, but he has the authority and dignity of King's presence in the city.

Ye Xingbei was fascinated by him.

Gu Junzhu noticed Ye Xingbei's scorching sight. He hooked his lips and raised his hand to scratch the tip of her nose with a smile.

His beautiful eyes gently spoiled like falling into the thousands of stars, ye Xingbei's chest looked like a fawn, his heart suddenly jumped up.

One after another, we're here.

The former name of Siqi, also known as Fang Siqi after a period of time, now Siyun, standing at the gentle bedside, holding a gentle hand, his eyes are red and swollen like two walnuts, you can see that he has been crying a lot these days.

Si Qi's husband mi Junyuan, standing beside her, silently lowered his head, didn't know what he was thinking.

Fang Lutong, Yi Xinning, Fang Yixian and Fang Mingzhu, all four of them, stand near the door with different expressions.

Fang Lutong stares at Fang Yao. His face is pale and his whole body is shaking.

Yi Xinning's expression is very cold.

Fang Yixian looks very calm, but his eyes are dark and deep, thinking about something.

Fang Mingzhu nestles close to Yi Xinning and looks very uneasy. Her eyes always glance at Qiao Zui's face.

Standing beside Qiao Zui, misheng noticed her sight, took Qiao Zui's arm and pulled Qiao Zui to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei.

Noticing her movements, Fang Mingzhu turned red with anger, and the light of resentment came out of her eyes.

Misheng glanced at her, drew back her eyes, half nestled into Joe's drunken arms, and leaned closer to him.

Fang Mingzhu is about to explode. She wants to rush over and grab Hua misheng's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!