You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 754

“……” Ye Xingbei lowered his head and bit him on the shoulder. "If I have a knife in my hand now, I will stab you to death!"

"Ye Xiaobei, you are inferior to me everywhere!" Gu five Ye complacent smile, "my murder weapon is all carry on, as long as I like, can stab you at any time."

“……” Ye Xingbei slapped him in the chest: "Gu Junzhu, you go to die!"

Gu Jun chuckles and kisses her.

Thanks dad, gave Ye Xiaobei to him!

Their old man is really the most lovely, understanding and capable old man in the world!

After the bath, back to the bedroom, ye Xingbei soon fell asleep.

After sleeping until dark, he washed, changed his clothes and went downstairs to see Fang Yao. Then he chatted with Duan Yanbing for a while. After dinner, he played with xiaoshumiao and Lingyue for a while. After taking a bath in the evening, he fell asleep with his head on the pillow.

No matter what earth shaking event happened, she didn't have the energy to struggle with insomnia. As long as Gu didn't disturb her any more, she would lie in bed for a second.

The next day, she got up in high spirits, thinking that she could see the truth. As a result, Gu Junzhu told her that his men were looking for witnesses, and then Fang Yao was feverish and needed to support him for two days. To clean up the affairs of Fang's family, he had to move one or two days later.

Ye Xingbei asked curiously: "is the paternity test result out?"

Gu Jun nodded: "out."

He asked the relationship to make it urgent. He sent people to watch the whole process outside the inspection room. The inspectors had a lot of pressure and made the results as fast as possible.

Ye Xingbei held his breath and asked nervously, "whose son is ah Yao?"

"Ye Xiaobei, you are doubting my ability," Gu Jun rubbed her head. "Since I said that a Yao is Fang Lutong's son, do you think the result of paternity test will give you another answer?"

Ye Xingbei with needle pierced balloon like, a vent gas, "how can this be? Is ah Yao really Fang Lutong's son? What about millet? "

Gu Junzhu said: "Xiaomi is also the daughter of Fang Lutong."

"Ah Yao and Xiao MI are brothers and sisters of the same father and mother..." Ye Xingbei murmured: "this is probably the only news that can comfort me..."

She could not imagine how sad Fang Yao would be when he learned about the resentment between the Fang family and the Si family.

His own grandfather, killed his own grandfather.

It's cruel.

"Don't worry," Gu Jun rubbed her head. "Ah Yao is a soft hearted child, but he is not as fragile as you think."

Good boy?

Leaf star north corner of the mouth smoked.

That "good boy" is older than you, OK?

Mr. Gu is so shameless! What shameless

Gu Ye Bei had in mind make complaints about five gentlemen, and thought of what he was pulling his clothes. "Did you tell Yao Yao what you said to me yesterday?"

"No," Gu Junzhu said, "he has a fever. Let him take good care of his wounds first. When I get all the things clear, I will find all the witnesses and give him a good time."

Ye Xingbei sighed: "OK That's fine. "

The pain of beheading is less than that of lingchi.

That's all she can think about now.

However, to her surprise, she had been waiting for three days.

Three days later, Fang Yao's fever subsided and his injuries were much better. Gu Jun said that he had found all the witnesses, and then he gathered everyone in the gentle ward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!