You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 753

Ye Xingbei: "er Yes, yes This... "

Gu Jun put his hand into his arms and pinched the tip of his nose. "You're too small. Eating too much sugar will decay your teeth. When you grow up to be as big as your mother, your father will give you a candy factory. You live in it and eat as much as you want."

The weeping saplings came to life in an instant, and their eyes lit up: "really?"

"Of course it's true," said Gu Jun, squeezing his little face. "When did dad cheat you?"

"No, no!" The young tree shook his cerebellar pouch vigorously, put his arms around Gu Junzhu's neck and gave him a kiss on the face. "Dad is the most powerful. Dad never deceives people!"

Ye Xingbei looks at her baby son sympathetically.

Silly child, you can't grow up to be as big as your mother in your life.

Gu Wuye's writing trap.

Tut tut!

It's shameful to cheat a five-year-old!

Xiao shumiao'er didn't feel cheated at all. Happily, he handed his masterpiece to Gu junzhuo: "Dad, look, this is a gift I gave you in return. It's polite and good for him to come and not to be rude."

Ye Xingbei

What is this painting about?

What a sin!!!

The young tree happily pulled her to enjoy, "Mom, mom, you see, this woman is mom, this man is Dad, dad and mom dance together, mom, do you think I draw well?"

Don't have the heart to hit his baby son, ye Xingbei nodded perfunctorily, "good, good!"

When she said the last three words, she glanced at Gu Jun one by one. The three words were bited out of her teeth.

Gu Junzhu knows why Ye Xingbei stares at him. He tries his best to smile and shrug his shoulders.

Xiao shumiao'er was immersed in his own joy, and didn't notice anything wrong with his parents. Instead, Ling Yue felt that there was something wrong with the expression of Shifu's mother.

Although he is only an eight year old, he is too precocious than his peers. His master and his mother are all wearing pajamas. He thinks he is not suitable to stay here, so he takes Xiaoshu miao'er's hand and says, "Xiaoshu, I want to go to see uncle Yanbing. Brother Xiaochi says that uncle Yanbing is very fierce in fighting. He can beat the enemy down with one move. I want to have a look. Xiaoshu, are you going?"

Just went to Fang's house, Duan Yanbing went with him. His terrible fighting power conquered a group of bodyguards with extraordinary fighting power.

"Well, the little tree is going too!" Xiaoshu miao'er gives the painting to Gu Junzhu. To achieve his goal, he kisses Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei on their faces, and gives them a kiss. He and Ling Yue leave happily.

Ye Xingbei locked the door, and went back to Gu Junzhu's side, reaching out to grab the painting: "quick, quick, quick tear!"

Gu Jun moved his arm and took the painting as far as ye Xingbei, where he couldn't reach it. He criticized: "Ye Xiaobei, how can you do this? This is my son's love for me. You want to tear it off! In the future, if my son asks me where I put the painting he sent me on a whim, should I say that I have torn it off? How sad should the young trees be? "

He took a look at the painting in his hand and said with a smile, "not only can I not tear it, but I'll mount it with a photo frame after I go home. It's just opposite our bed. I enjoy it every day." , the fastest update of the webnovel!