You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 752

He wants to take this box of candy back now!

Ye Xingbei counted them one by one carefully. At the end, he said, "one hundred and one!"

She raised her eyes and looked at Gu Junzhu. Her eyes were as bright as stars. "It's one hundred and one. Each one doesn't look like the same. It's really wonderful!"

"What's the point?" Mr. Gu said with disdain, "if it's not for this hometown of candy, there are not enough kinds of candy, and you are afraid of toothache, I can give you a car!"

"Cut," Ye Xingbei slapped him contemptuously, "send 101 is sentiment, is romantic, send a car is upstart Are you sure that giving 101 candies is your own idea, not someone else's? "

Gu Junzhu


He gave the candy. Why did he tear down his own table?

He was so mad at Ye Xiaobei, who would rather stare at candy than talk to him.

"By the way, I suddenly thought of a thing," Ye Xingbei stopped playing with candy and looked at Gu Junzhu: "you say, if Fang Lutong and Fang Siqi break up their relationship after Fang Siqi moves out of Fang's house, where does misheng come from?"

“…… Are you possessed? " Gu Jun knocked her head, "didn't I say that? I've already sent someone to pick up Fang Siqi. When Fang Siqi sees Wen Wan, he'll get all the Fang family in front of Wen Wan, and let Fang Lutong confront Wen Wan and Fang Siqi. In addition, he'll have a paternity test tomorrow, and the truth will come out. "

Ye Xingbei looked at him and muttered: "you really don't have any curiosity, don't you?"

Gu Jun snatched the candy from her hand and threw it aside. He pressed her under his body, kissed her lips and said vaguely, "honey, I'm more curious whether the candy is sweeter or your honey is sweeter..."

Ye Xingbei's face turned red, and he beat him hard, "flow hooligan flow hooligan flow hooligan!"

Although she was shouting "rogue", the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were full of flattery. Mr. Gu praised his circuitous strategy. He was about to taste his own sweet stamens when the door was knocked.

The tender voice of the sapling sounded outside: "Mom and Dad, open the door quickly! Why do you lock the door in broad daylight? Saplings miss you

Gu Junzhu

He rolled over from ye Xingbei and spread his limbs on the bed to pretend to be dead.

Ye Xingbei's stomach is about to cramp.

After laughing for a long time, he cried with a smile: "here, here, baby, mom will open the door for you."

Ye Xingbei threw a blanket and covered it in Gu Wuye's unspeakable place. His smiling shoulders shrugged to open the door.

Mr. Gu was lying on the bed with a face of lovelessness.

Open the door, ye Xingbei looked at the sapling and Ling Yue hand in hand, explained with a smile: "mom went to take a bath, so lock the door, sapling miss Mom and dad?"

"Yes, yes, my father gave me a gift, and I want to give my father a gift too." Xiao Shumiao let go of Ling Yue's hand, rushed into the room like a small shell, climbed into bed and handed a picture to Gu Junzhu: "Dad, Dad, look, this is a gift from Xiao Shumiao for you and your mother!"

"Baby, did you draw? What are you drawing? " Ye Xingbei curiously walks over to see the painting that the sapling handed to Gu Junzhu.

She only looked at it once, and the smile froze on her face What's her son drawing???

The little sapling saw the crystal box on the bed, and his white face was covered with circles.

He pulled Ye Xingbei's clothes, pointed to the crystal box and asked carefully, "Mom, is this from dad?"

Ye Xingbei was hit by his son's painting and nodded his head.

Little sapling took out a fist sized crystal box from his pocket, and compared it with the heart-shaped box of Ye Xingbei, which was more than ten times bigger than him. His mouth was turned, his eyes were misty, and he wanted to cry: "why is the little tree so small and the mother so big


many friends say they can't understand it. Do you have any friends who can understand it?

It doesn't matter if you don't understand it. When the family members in the back come back to you, they will certainly understand it.

The key points are as follows:

1. Fang Yao's grandfather killed him.

2. Fang Yao and Xiaomi are brothers and sisters of the same father and mother.

3. Fang Yao and Xiaomi's biological father is Fang Lutong and his mother is Fang Siqi.

If you don't know anything, you can ask yunyun, love you, one by one , the fastest update of the webnovel!