You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 739

"Check!" Fang Yao stares at Fang Lutong, and his teeth creak. "Now we'll do the paternity test. We'll do it for you, me and Xiaomi! I don't want to be a fool who doesn't know who his parents are and why he was born! "

"I also want to check," misheng looked at Fang Yao and said, "I want to know if instructor Fang and I are brothers and sisters."

She really wants to be.

At Mi's, she's the extra one.

She wants to have a brother.

With her brother, she has family.

Instructor Fang is so good. If instructor Fang is her brother, she will feel very happy.

She will try her best to be nice to each other's instructors and not let him be so pitiful as he is now.

She and instructor Fang are both pitiful people and victims of abandonment.

They didn't do anything wrong, but for many people, they were born wrong.

If instructor Fang is really her brother, she can leave Mi's house and live with her brother in the future.

They didn't like her and instructor Fang. After that, she and instructor Fang depended on each other and warmed each other.

"Don't do it. I've done it. I've done it several times!" Fang Lutong looked at Fang Yao with scarlet eyes and trembled violently: "I wish you were my son, but you are not! You are the son of Fang Siqi and MI Junyuan Fang Siqi, she betrayed me

"I understand," Fang Yao nodded indifferently: "because I'm not your son, so you can step on my face with the sole of your shoes. If you trample on me wantonly, you don't have the slightest pity and heartache, but I don't understand. Since I'm not your son, why do you want to take me back to Fang's home? Is it for the sake of insulting me and taking revenge on MI Junyuan? "

He doesn't care who his own father is. Anyway, no matter who his own father is, he is a shameful bastard.

No one expected his birth, and no one valued his existence.

He just wanted to find out.

Find out why they gave birth to him when they didn't love him.

"Wait a minute," Ye Xingbei raised his hand, made a pause gesture, and asked Fang Lutong, "don't you mean that because ah Yao is your illegitimate son, Yi Xinning took ah Yao as a thorn in the flesh after learning the truth? Why do you say now that ah Yao is not your son, but mi Junyuan's son? "

"That's an excuse to cheat people." up to now, Fang Lutong didn't want to hide anything. He said without expression: "my wife doesn't like Fang Yao because my wife's brother was killed by Mi Junyuan's driver. Mi Junyuan's driver went to jail. Mi Junyuan only spent hundreds of thousands of yuan with my wife and son's family. I'm still at ease, When my wife learned that Fang Yao was the son of MI Junyuan, she was very angry. She hated that she had raised the son of the murderer who killed her brother, so she hated Fang Yao very much. "

Ye Xingbei's whole body was muddled. He stammered several times before he said, "your family are all wonderful flowers! It's not good to make up some excuse, such a bad one! But that's not right... "

Ye Xingbei's question mark: "since mi Junyuan has a grudge against your wife, why do you and your father want to adopt Fang Yao from your wife? Why don't you give Fang Yao back to MI Junyuan? Fang Siqi is mi Junyuan's wife. If Fang Yao is really mi Junyuan's son, shouldn't mi Junyuan be very happy to accept him? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!