You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 738

Like misheng, because of Qiao's drunkenness, Fang Yao always regards misheng as his own person.

Now that he knew that this lovely little girl was his own sister, he felt warm in his heart.

Before, he had a brother and a sister.

But there is always something between them. They are not brothers.

At the moment, seeing the distressed eyes when misheng looks at him, seeing that misheng angrily criticizes Fang Lutong and Yi Xinning because he loves him, he suddenly feels very satisfied.

Now, he's not alone.

He has a sister.

Like him, will love his sister.

How nice!

Misheng stares at Fang Lutong and Yi Xinning angrily. He suddenly thinks of something and looks at Gu Junzhu: "little uncle, what about my own father? Who is my biological father? Don't tell me I belong to that beast, too! "

Her trembling fingers pointed to Passepartout, and her face couldn't accept it.

Fang Lu trembled: "what are you talking about? You are the seed of MI Junyuan, don't you know? What filthy thing wants to depend on me? "

"I'm not!" Misheng roared angrily: "everyone thinks I'm mi Junyuan's daughter, but I'm not. I'm just his stepdaughter! They cheated everyone that I was mi Junyuan's daughter, but I overheard the conversation between MI Junyuan and my mother. Mi Junyuan said that I was not his own daughter. Because of this, they didn't love me at all! But what's wrong with me? Can I choose my parents? Why do we have to bear all the things you adults do wrong? How can you be so cruel? "

"What, what?" Fang Lutong shook his body, stepped back, and looked at misheng in disbelief: "aren't you mi Junyuan's daughter? And whose daughter are you? "

"Isn't the answer obvious?" Gu Jun chuckled, "or do you think Fang Siqi has a third man besides you and MI Junyuan?"

Yi Xinning looked at misheng, then at fanglutong, and his face became more and more ferocious.

All of a sudden, she rushed to Fang Lutong and grabbed him in the face. "Fang Lutong, did you have a daughter with Fang Siqi? Didn't you tell me that you had already broken up with her? Why are you so shameless? You beast

For a moment, Fang Lutong was caught by her, and there were several blood stains on her face. The fire was burning and the pain was burning.

He pushed Yi Xinning away and turned to look at Fang Yao. His lips were blue and white, and his whole body was shaking: "what about Fang Yao? Whose son is Fang Yao? "

Fang Yao clenched his fist: "am I not your son? Am I not the illegitimate son of you and Fang Siqi? "

"You You... " Fang Lutong shook his head and murmured, "you, you are not You are mi Junyuan's son! You are not my son

Ye Xingbei has been silly.

She opened her mouth slightly in amazement and looked at it for a long time. She turned her head and asked Gu Junzhu, "what's the situation? Whose son is Fang Yao? "

Gu Jun shrugged his shoulders, "little seven passed over the information is not much, I do not know, but do not know a paternity test?"

Ye Xingbei looked at Fang Yao and misheng, and then at Fang Lutong: "I think a Yao and Xiaomi are a bit like Fang Lutong."

Gu Jun Chueh, full of excitement: "Mi Junyuan and Fang Lutong are cousins, and they look a bit like each other."

Ye Xingbei

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