You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 740

Fang Lutong's face suddenly surged with rage. He kicked over a chair and roared: "I just don't want mi Junyuan to be too proud! I just want mi Junyuan's seed to be my father. I just want to leave his son around and trample on him, make him my slave, and let him be trampled on by me all his life! "

Ye Xingbei was startled by his sudden roar and stepped back a few steps.

Gu Junzhu took her into his arms and patted her on the shoulder placidly, "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's just another change of state."

Fang Yao said: "let's have a paternity test first. Now I just want to know who my parents are, whether Xiaomi and I are brothers and sisters, and other things, I'll talk about another day."

"Good," Gu Junzhu called Gu Chi: "Xiao Chi, go to arrange."

Soon, Gu Chi arranged everything and collected blood for Fang Lutong, Fang Yao and misheng.

After collecting the blood, Qiao Zui held Fang Yao and looked at Gu Junzhu: "little uncle, let's go back first. Brother Yao can't support himself."

Gu Jun nodded, looked at Fang Lutong and Fang Yixian and said with a smile, "don't worry about it. You owe me debt. Now you start to calculate interest. Tomorrow, when the parent-child identification comes out, I'll get it back with interest!"

Fang Yixian looks very ugly.

But fanglutong didn't care about anything.

Now, he just wants to know whose son Fang Yao is?

If If Fang Yao is really his son

Thinking of how he treated Fang Yao these years and the scene when he stepped on Fang Yao's face, his heart was convulsed.

The party left Fang's house.

In the car, ye Xingbei nestled in Gu Jun's arms and looked up at him: "how can I withdraw so happily today? Not your style? "

"I have a lot of things I can't think about clearly," Gu Jun said, turning his brain quickly and rubbing his fingers unconsciously. "There are many unreasonable things about the Fang family. I doubt that there are other secrets. I need more evidence."

Ye Xingbei shook his head: "I'm in a mess now. The relationship between them is too complicated! Besides, we are outsiders. They also use cover up and smoke bombs. For a while, they say that a Yao is Fang Lutong's son. For a while, they say that a Yao is mi Junyuan's son. Poor a Yao! "

Gu Jun touched her face one by one. "It's OK. If anyone owes a Yao, we'll help him get it back."

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded, "if Xiaomi and a Yao are really brothers and sisters, then a Yao is Xiao Qiao's eldest brother, and we are also a family. We must support each other in friendship!"

Gu Jun chuckles and pinches her face: "have you seen too many of them?"

"Go Ye Xingbei pats his hand, flies his white eyes: "not interesting!"

Gu Junzhu picked his eyebrows and put his hand into her clothes. "Honey, how can you fly in the car? More fun! Are you suggesting something to your husband? "

Ye Xingbei blushed, hurriedly patted his hand, glanced at the baffle, and saw that the baffle in the middle didn't know when it had risen. Then he was relieved and bit Gu Junzhu's ear, fiercely admonishing him: "be honest! Don't tease

Gu junzhutut: "still biting your ears! It seems that you are really inviting me to drive Yeah! What's that! You know that

Ye Xingbei Mr. Gu, your understanding is hopeless, really , the fastest update of the webnovel!