You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 734

Gu's bodyguard nodded and saluted Gu Jun: "young master, I brought you here."

Fang Yixian suddenly changes color, rushes over, pushes Gu's bodyguard away, and blocks Yi Xinning behind.

He looked at Gu Junzhu with an iron blue face: "Mr. Gu, you've gone too far! My mother is the master of the Fang family. How can you let your bodyguards touch my mother? "

Gu Jun looked at him faintly: "it's not so good to be a housewife. It's not that you should be a housewife if you occupy that position. If you want to be a housewife, you have to be a person at least?"

"Mr. Gu, please be careful!" The dizziness of Fang Yi's string Qi.

What does that mean?

Beat around the Bush scold his mother is not a person, is it?

Do you really think he can't hear it?

Gu Jun glared at him and said with a light smile, "you are really strict with others and lenient with yourself. You always ask others to be careful. Why don't you teach your mother first and take care of her mouth?"

He glanced at Yi Xinning, who was blocked by Fang Yixian. His eyes were cold and shining. He was ready to kill him. "My sister's brother-in-law died many years ago. Yi Xinning splashed dirty water on them, slandered my sister's brother-in-law's family, killed misheng's father, and made my sister's brother-in-law feel uneasy underground."

He looked back at Fang Yixian, "Fang Yixian, you say, how can I settle this account with your Fang family?"

Gu Junzhu's eyes fall on Fang Yixian's face, which makes Fang Yixian feel the pain of being swept by the blade.

His scalp numb, unconsciously out of a cold sweat on the back, subconsciously to see his mother: "Mom?"

"I didn't say that!" Yi Xinning denied, "don't be bloody! I haven't said a word. What evidence do you have? "

Gu Junzhu glanced at her contemptuously: "how? Do you want me to ask someone to bring Si Yun and confront you face to face But I don't think you want to see her, do you? "

Hearing Si Yun's name, Fang Lutong's body was excited and his mind was in a trance.

Fang Yao, who had never spoken, suddenly looked at Gu Jun and asked, "little uncle, who is Si Yun? What is the relationship between misheng and Fang family? Why does Fang Lutong keep asking about misheng? "

"Who is Si Yun? Ask him!" Gu Junzhu looks at Fang Lutong with a smile.

Fang Lutong's fist trembled violently. He clenched his teeth and forced himself to smile at Gu Junzhu. "Xiaozhu, this is a matter within our Fang family. Xiaozhu, you'd better not interfere. My father's death is not far away, and you don't want to disturb the peace of my father's huangquan Road, do you? In my father's face, you take Fang Yao away. From now on, the friendship and enmity between our Fang family and Fang Yao will be written off. What do you think

"I don't think so," Gu Jun said faintly, "the enmity between you and Fang Yao has been written off. What about the enmity between you and me? Yesterday I hurt my nephew, today I stir up the feelings between my nephew and his sweetheart, and I slander my sister's brother-in-law's family. How do you plan to settle this account with me? "

"I I apologize to you Fang Lutong bit his teeth and made a deep bow to Gu Jun.

He straightened up, looked at Gu Jun and said, "I apologize to you. Is that ok?"

Gu Jun chuckled, "do you think I have to accept your apology? Yes? Is your apology valuable? "

Fang Lutong's face was livid.

He's never been so humiliated in his life.

He doesn't want to expose the scandal of Fang family to others. He is already very servile. Why is Gu Jun so aggressive? , the fastest update of the webnovel!