You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 735

Fang Yixian couldn't bear it. "Gu Junzhu, our father and son have already given you face. Don't deceive people too much!"

Gu Jun chuckles, "then I'll trouble you not to give me face again. If you have any moves, let's make a quick decision!"

Fang Yi wants to vomit blood.

What can he do?

Gu's bodyguards Hula came in a group of people, and another one was especially able to fight. Looking at his cold and sharp evil spirit, he had seen blood in the battlefield.

Their bodyguard of Fang family couldn't resist a round in front of the man, so he was relieved of his shoulder, thrown on the ground and lost his combat effectiveness.

Although this is his home, Gu Junzhu's bodyguards, who have changed their fighting power, have no fighting power.

Call the police?

Their Fang family has secrets they want to protect. They don't want to make things big, let alone expose their Fang family scandal.

Fighting business?

That's a joke.

Even if there is only one person in Gu Junzhu's family, they are not willing to compete with him with their Centennial foundation. What's more, Gu Junzhu has a terrible circle of friends. All the people in the circle are the heirs of the top ten families in the capital.

What does he use to compete with Gu Jun?

He is a genius among the people around him. He always thinks highly of himself and thinks that he is gifted and different from ordinary people.

For the first time in his life, he felt that he was nothing more than that.

In the face of more powerful forces, he is so small.

He doesn't like the situation of being controlled by others.

But he couldn't help it.

No matter how hard he tries, he can't change it.

He can't spell it hard.

He can't let the Fang family's one hundred year foundation be destroyed by him and his father.

He tried his best to calm down, looked at Gu Jun and said, "Mr. Gu, I heard that your family education is very strict. The most disgusting thing in your father's life is to bully others. Mr. Gu, you use your power to bully our Fang family. Does your father know that?"

"Oh," Gu Jun said with a sneer, "take my father down on me? The idea is right. My old man does not allow me to bully others. But since you know our old man does not allow me to bully others, do you know our old man is still jealous of evil? If your Fang family is honest and upright, you don't have to be afraid. With my father, I will never bully you. But dare you pat your chest and say, "your Fang family is honest and upright. Have you never done anything bad?"

"I dare!" Fang Yixian said firmly: "I can assure you that our Fang family is upright and has never done anything wrong!"

Gu Jun glanced at him with a smile instead of a smile. He took back his eyes and looked at Ye Xingbei beside him: "come on, baby, look, you always say I'm thick skinned. Where's the real thick skinned one! He did something bad and was blocked by others to ask for an explanation. He said that he was upright. Tut, baby, how can he be so shameless? Is it family origin? "

Ye Xingbei blushed, reached behind him and twisted him, "be serious!"

Baby what baby?

So many people!

Who is shameless?

Fang Yi was so angry that he wanted to throw a bomb and blow Gu Jun, who didn't put him in his eyes, into ashes.

He tried his best to suppress the anger in his chest, trying to make his tone sound peaceful: "Mr. Gu, please tell me what we have done in our family." , the fastest update of the webnovel!