You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 733

Joe drunk words, let Fang Lutong and Fang Yixian all changed face.

Their Fang family is one of the best in Fengcheng, far more than Qiao family.

In particular, Qiao Zui did not take over Qiao's company, but went to work as a soldier. Qiao's company is managed by professional managers.

Although professional managers are professionals, they can't compare with Qiao Zui's ability and contacts in any case.

As a professional manager, the most outstanding one has already made a new start. When he becomes the boss himself, who will work for others?

Fang Yixian is the best of his peers. He is a genius in intelligence and ability.

After he took over Fang's family, it was flourishing day by day.

It's said that Fengjia is the richest and the most aristocratic family in Fengcheng, but that's just a common saying handed down in the past. In terms of total assets and influence in business, Fengjia may not be the rival of Fangjia.

And the Qiao family can't even compare with the Feng family.

If only Qiao's family, Qiao Zui just said that Fang's family would disappear in Fengcheng, he would be ridiculed and not afraid of the wind.

But in fact, no one would laugh at him.

The Qiao family is not very prosperous, but who let others have a good uncle?

This is the reality of shopping malls. It's all about strength.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimps.

It's that simple.

Fang Yixian has self-confidence in himself. He firmly believes that his Fang family can not be easily knocked down. Even if the other party is Gu Junzhu and wants to eat him, he can also break Gu Junzhu's teeth.

It's not the hatred of killing my father or robbing my wife. Who is willing to take all his wealth to crack other people's teeth?

Everyone knows that peace is the only way to promote development.

How can his Fang family develop?

He didn't want to set up such a terrible enemy.

His bright future is only a small step away. He doesn't want to create new problems, provoke strong enemies, and make Fang's development retrogressive for decades.

Passepartout's idea is the same as his.

The situation is better than the people.

It's not a hero. It's 250.

He who knows current affairs is a hero. When it is time to bow his head, he must bow his head.

He couldn't bear to let his son lose his face. He pulled Fang Yixian behind him, looked at Qiao drunk, and put on a good elder's face: "Xiao Qiao, I just had a quarrel with a Yao about some trifles, and I hurt him on impulse. It's my fault, somebody!"

He rushed out and said, "come on, call Dr. Zhang over and show him to a Yao."

Qiao Zui has helped Fang Yao to sit down. He takes out the medicine he carries with him and stops the bleeding first.

After listening to Fang Lutong's words, he gave him a cold glance: "also call your wife, I want to ask her, where did I offend her, why did she destroy my relationship with Xiaomi."

Fang Yixian couldn't bear it and stepped forward: "Qiao Zui, don't deceive people too much! My parents are your elders. How do you talk to my father? "

"I deceive too much? No, no, I'm not deceiving people too much. I used to be too polite to you, which gave you the illusion that you can take a shit on my neck! " Qiao drunk looked at him scornfully and sneered, "Fang Yixian, I tell you, I'm willing to give you face, I'm willing to give your parents face. When I see you smile, I call uncle, aunt and brother, that's to give me brother Yao face! You are good to brother Yao. I'd like to give you face. You bully my brother Yao, you are dog shit in my eyes! What about the elders? Don't put gold on your face. You are nothing without brother Yao! "

"You You... " Fang Yixian is the son of heaven, the dragon and Phoenix among the people, and the young talent. When did he meet his people, he held them respectfully?

He was drunk by Joe's face, but he couldn't refute a word.

He found that what Joe said was right.

Joe was polite to them before he got drunk. Didn't he give them the illusion that they had a good relationship with him?

But why does Joe have a good relationship with them?

Not because of Fang Yao?

Now Fang Yao is beaten like this by his father. Why should Qiao Zui have a good relationship with them?

"What are you doing? Let go of me! Let go of me

Just as Fang Yixian racked his brains to find a way to resolve today's enmity, there was a loud noise outside the room.

Soon, his mother Yi Xinning was twisted by Gu's bodyguard and pushed into the study. , the fastest update of the webnovel!