You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 732

If they had drowned him at first, they would not have suffered so much as if he had killed their whole family.

He doesn't have to suffer.

I don't know what he said was wrong. Fang Lutong was even more angry. He raised his leg and kicked him hard, which made his mouth bleed.

Fang Lutong squatted down, grabbed his hair, pulled his head up from the ground and forced him to look at him. "I'll ask you again for the last time, why did you bring misheng back? What do you know? What's your purpose in bringing her back? What do you want to do? "

Fang Yao's scalp was torn and hurt, and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth. He looked into Fang Lutong's eyes: "Dad, I also want to ask you, who is misheng? Why do you hate her so much? Who is my mother? Where is her tombstone? I want to visit her. "

Fang Lutong slapped him to the ground and kicked him with his feet. His face was livid with anger. "You have no right to call me dad. I don't have a son like you, or a bitch like your mother. I don't deserve to be worshipped! You're right. I should have drowned you in the toilet

Fang Yao's chest was full of blood, and he almost fainted in front of his eyes.

He couldn't move for a long time, and only after a long time did he laugh out in a low voice, "it's so good..."

He struggled to sit up, looked at Fang Lutong and said, "you said it yourself. I'm not qualified to call you dad. You don't have a son like me Fang Lutong, from now on, we'll be fine! "

"You..." Fang Lu raised his belt and tried to beat it. Suddenly, the door was kicked open.

"Brother Yao!" Qiao Zui was shocked to see Fang Yao covered with blood in the room. He rushed over like a gust of wind and squatted down beside Fang Yao to check his injuries.

Fang Lutong was furious: "who let you in? Fang Shen, get out of here. How do you guard the door? "

"Don't shout," Gu Jun stepped into the door step by step, looked at him lightly and said, "your bodyguards are too busy to catch a round. It's time to go back and rebuild."

"It's you," Fang Lutong's face changed. He tried to suppress his anger and make himself look more pleasant. "When did Xiao Zhu come Oh, by the way, the death day of your sister and brother-in-law is coming, isn't it? Xiao Zhu really has a heart. He comes to pay homage to your sister and brother-in-law every year. "

Gu Jun by contemptuous glance at him, drooping eyes to see Joe drunk: "how?"

"Not so much!" Qiao Zui checked the wound on Fang Yao's body. He was so angry that he burst his lung. He stood up and pointed to Fang Lutong's nose and scolded angrily: "tiger poison doesn't eat son. How can you be worse than a beast? What's wrong with brother Yao? Do you treat him like this? Do you want to die? I will help you

"Joe is drunk!" Fang Yixian walked into the study quickly, blocked Fang Lutong behind him, looked at Qiao Zui coldly and said, "my father is an elder! No matter what he does, it's not your turn to teach me. You're impolite! "

"My God, your stupid gift!" Joe was drunk and said: "animals are animals. Can animals be elders? Do your spring and autumn dream! And your mother, is not a good thing, you call her out, I want to ask her, I Joe drunk where offended her, she wants to destroy the relationship between me and misheng? If you don't give me an account today, you Fang family will be waiting to disappear from Fengcheng! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!