You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 731

"You mean it, don't you? What do you know? " Fang Lutong didn't know what he thought of. His facial features were twisted and his belt fell on Fang Yao.

Fang Yao's leg had been injured, kneeling on the cold ground, as if he had been bitten by a poisonous insect.

He couldn't get down on his knees, so he could only put his hands on the ground.

The belt tore the skin on his back, but he didn't say a word.

He was completely at a loss.

He didn't understand why.

Before the age of 12, even if his father was cold to him, his mother loved him very much.

But on his twelfth birthday, when he came back from school, everything changed.

In the past, he was still loved by his mother and was nearly killed by people hanging him from a tree.

Mother looked at his eyes, not like looking at his son, but like looking at the enemy.

Later, he learned that he was not his mother's own son, he was his father's illegitimate son.

He was born to his father and a woman outside.

His grandfather didn't want to leave Fang's family, so his father took him back and lied to his mother that he was the child of his grandfather's good friend.

His mother believed it and adopted him with his father.

On his twelfth birthday, his mother came across the truth.

I know that her adopted son is not the grandson of a father-in-law friend, but the illegitimate son of her husband and other women.

From that day on, his mother saw him as a thorn in the flesh and beat him to death again and again.

He doesn't blame his mother.


Not at all.

Any woman who is cheated by her father-in-law and husband and raises her illegitimate son as her own son will collapse when she knows the truth.

He has no reason to hate his mother.

He hated his father.

When his mother beat him to death, he always just looked at him coldly.

If his grandfather hadn't come in time to rescue him, he would have died in the hands of the couple.

He doesn't understand. He's a bastard. His mother has reason to hate him. Why doesn't his father like him?

If you don't like him, why do you bring him back?

The pain in his heart was thousands of times more than the pain in his back when he was torn by a belt.

He didn't ask for mercy, he didn't struggle.

Fight if you want.

This is the last time.

He's bleeding, he's bleeding.

Skin and bone him, so he can be a new man.

Return all the debts to the Fang family.

After that, it has nothing to do with the Fang family.

Seeing that Fang Yao didn't say a word, Fang Lutong became even more angry. The belt on his hand was wrapped in the vicious wind, and it fell on Fang Yao's back again and again.

Fang Yao's injured leg finally couldn't hold up and he fell to the ground.

He lay on the ground, looking at Fang Lutong's iron green face, weakly asked: "Dad, can you tell me how my mother died? What's her name? Where is home? What kind of person is she? "

"Don't mention that bitch!" Fang Lutong stepped on his face with a vicious foot and crushed his toe on his face: "why did you bring misheng back? What do you know? "

His cold and hard sole stepped on the wound where Fang Yao was torn by the belt. Fang Yao was convulsed with pain.

He curled himself up and burst into laughter.

With a smile, big tears fell from his eyes.

He closed his eyes and said softly, "Dad, since you hate me so much, why did you bring me back? Would it be nice to drown me in the toilet , the fastest update of the webnovel!