You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 730

Misheng held Qiao Zui's hand carefully. "Instructor I, I don't want you to know that I am the daughter of your father's enemy I'm afraid you look at me with hatred and disgust. I can't accept that you hate me, so So I didn't dare to tell you anything Instructor, can you forgive me? "

Her eyes were swollen and her voice was dumb. Joe could feel the despair and pain when she left him.

He didn't want to be angry with her at all. He was only glad.

Fortunately, there is no blood feud between them.

He grabbed misheng's hand, pulled her up, sat down beside her, clenched her hand, looked into her eyes and said, "Xiaomi, promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you should make it clear to me, and I will do the same to you. In the future, we will be honest and not say separation as easily as this time, OK?"

Misheng reddened his eyes and nodded: "I promise!"

Two people and good as before, ye Xingbei relieved.

Just as she wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, Gu Junzhu's mobile phone rang.

Gu Junzhu connected his mobile phone, and Gu Cheng's voice was a little urgent: "young master, young master a Yao was taken to his study by his father. Gu Sha and I are the only ones left here. We can't get in. I think young master a Yao's father doesn't look very good. I think young master a Yao may suffer a loss."

"You stand by and I'll be there in a minute," Gu Jun stood up one by one, and told Gu Chi, "gather your hands and go to Fang's house!"

He hurt his nephew's arm yesterday, and today he alienated his nephew from misheng.

It's easy to bully him, isn't it?

This account of the Fang family needs to be calculated!

Gu Chi is ordered to leave.

See Gu Jun by go out, ye Xingbei quickly follow: "I accompany you."

Looking at Gu Wu Ye's cold and angry momentum, she was really afraid that when she came to Fang's house, Gu Wu ye could not stop it and killed people.


Fang family.

After Fang was buried, he kowtowed in front of his grandfather's tombstone. Originally Fang Yao wanted to go directly to Qiao's house, but his father Fang Lutong stopped him.

Fang Lutong's face is gloomy. He asks Fang Yao to go home with him. He has something to say.

Fang Yao hesitated, followed him and went back to Fang's home with him.

He has made up his mind to make a clean break with the Fang family.

He also wanted to hear what Fang Lutong had to say to him.

Once I made it clear, from now on, he will have nothing to do with the Fang family.

Fang Lutong took Fang Yao into his study and closed the door. He told Fang Yao coldly, "kneel down!"

Fang Yao pursed his lower lip, dragged his injured leg, and knelt at his feet.

Fang Lutong ordered coldly: "take off your coat."

Fang Yao clenched his teeth, raised his hand and pulled it. The button fell to the ground. He took off his shirt and threw it to the ground.

Fanglutong's voice was cold: "belt!"

Fang Yao took off the belt without expression and handed it to him.

As soon as Fang Lutong folded the belt, he shook his hand and drew it on Fang Yao's face: "who asked you to bring misheng back? You said, "what do you know?"

Fang Yao used a military belt, which was soft, thin and extremely tough. It was the most painful to hit people.

The leather belt was drawn on Fang Yao's face, which immediately brought up a bloodstain and pulled Fang Yao's face to one side.

Half of Fang Yao's painful face was numb, but there was no expression on his face.

He slowly turned back and looked up at Fang Lutong: "Dad, I just want to ask you, what's the relationship between Ma and misheng? Why did she see misheng so impolite? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!