You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 729

Gu Jun stopped and sneered: "as for the blood relationship, it's even more ridiculous. My elder sister and elder brother-in-law have a very good relationship. No matter my elder sister or my brother-in-law, their private life is very clean. They won't have such a big illegitimate daughter as you. You can rest assured."

Misheng looked at Gu Junzhu. After a long time, his confused head gradually calmed down. He stuttered at Gu Junzhu and asked, "didn't the instructor's parents get killed?"

Gu Jun felt a pain in his heart and clenched his fist. His voice was hoarse and a little lower: "no It's an accident... "

No enemy, no special reason, is the accident.

Just for a moment, good people, "bang", it's gone.

Looking at the sadness in his eyes, ye Xingbei couldn't help reaching out and holding his hand, gently pinching it.

"My mother lied to me..." Misheng thought back and murmured, "she lied to me Why did she lie to me How could she... "

Gu Jun raised his eyebrow: "so the reason why she let you separate from Xiao Qiao is that Xiao Qiao's parents were killed by your family?"

Misheng looked up at him blankly: "my mother said The instructor's parents were killed by my own father.... "

Gu junzhuo picks eyebrows: "who is your own father?"

"I don't know, she won't say," misheng shook his head. "She only said that my own father died and was killed by the family of the instructor. She never told me who my own father was, and she didn't allow me to mention anything about my own father."

Ye Xingbei couldn't help interrupting: "aren't you curious? Didn't you look for someone to check? "

"Yes, but nothing can be found," misheng shook his head blankly. "My mother's registration with my stepfather in the Civil Affairs Bureau is the first marriage. My mother seems to have jumped out of a stone. She has no family, no relatives, and all her friends have been made in recent years. I can't find anything before my mother married my stepfather."

"I will find out," Gu Jun said faintly, "I think the first thing you should do now is solemnly apologize to Xiao Qiao."

"Yes, yes!" Misheng's heart was pounding and he felt that she was alive again.

She looked at Joe drunk, dizzy and dreamy.

So She was cheated by her mother?

There's no feud between her and the instructor?

She can be with the instructor in the future?

Probably too care, in the heart is still very uneasy, feel so lucky things, should not happen to her.

She couldn't help looking at Gu Junzhu again: "little uncle, why did my mother cheat me? Is there any other feud between me and the instructor? "

"There is no revenge between you and Qiao Zui," Gu Junzhu said with certainty. "Your mother was instigated by Fang Mingzhu's mother to destroy the relationship between you and Qiao Zui. Your mother has nothing to do with our family. The problem lies in Fang Mingzhu's mother."

He hooked his lips: "it is estimated that your mother has something to do with Fang Mingzhu's mother, so your mother will be threatened by Fang Mingzhu's mother and promise her to help her destroy the relationship between you and Xiao Qiao."

"Great..." With a long sigh of relief, misheng got up and went to Qiao Zui. He squatted down in front of him and looked at him with red eyes: "instructor, can you forgive me? I was wrong My mother said to me, "my father killed your parents, and then your family killed my father again..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!