You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 728

Gu Jun looked at misheng coldly and said: "the reason is that he buried the so-called hardship in his heart and refused to say anything. Because of the other party's sad misunderstanding, he still held his so-called hardship and lamented his greatness. In fact? As long as you say it and work together, maybe things can be solved easily. "

Gu Jun asked coldly: "I don't know what Miss Mi's trouble is? Want to protect Joe? Afraid to hurt Joe? Do you think you are great now? "

Misheng shook his head and couldn't say a word.

She can't say.

She can't say anything.

She couldn't let Joe know that she was the daughter of his father's enemy.

She didn't want Joe to look at her with hate.

She can't.

She can't take it.

She'll break down

Gu Jun changed his posture and looked straight into misheng's eyes. His momentum was even more compelling: "let me ask you another question. An hour ago, when miss misheng was in the bathroom, what did your mother say to you on the phone, which made you suddenly give up your engagement with Xiao Qiao and turn away?"

Misheng's eyes were even bigger and looked at Gu Junzhu in amazement: "how do you know that my mother called me when I was in the bathroom?"

Gu Jun glared at her coldly: "I not only know that your mother called you when you were in the bathroom, but also know that Fang Mingzhu's mother Yi Xinning called your mother before she called you. Do you know what this means?"

"Fang Mingzhu's mother and my mother?" Misheng looked at Gu Junzhu strangely: "does my mother know Fang Mingzhu's mother?"

Gu Junzhu didn't answer her question, but said: "yesterday you saw with your own eyes that Fang Mingzhu likes Xiao Qiao and wants to marry Xiao Qiao. I guess it's Fang Mingzhu's mother who threatens your mother to let you break up with Xiao Qiao, so that Fang Mingzhu has a chance to marry Xiao Qiao, then..."

He looked into misheng's eyes and asked, "now you just need to answer one question. What did your mother say to you that you can't wait to break up with little Joe immediately? Say you and Joe have a blood feud? Or do you have blood relationship with little Joe? If you get married, it's chaos

Misheng was stunned, pale and trembling: "how do you know? Instructor's parents They, they... "

Misheng's whole body is shaking.

There's only one thought in my mind finished.

The instructor's uncle knew that the instructor's parents were killed by her father.

Now the instructor's little uncle knows that she is Yi Xinning's daughter, which means that she is the daughter of the murderer who killed the instructor's parents.

The instructor's little uncle will tell the instructor.

The instructor will soon know that she is the daughter of his father's enemy

Misheng's head roared, and the whole person wanted to disappear from the world.

"It turns out that's true," Gu Jun said coldly. He looked at misheng sarcastically and asked, "well, what reason does your mother use? You have a blood feud with Joe? Or are you and Joe related by blood

Misheng stares at him and thinks this is wrong.

What is the reason?

Isn't there only one reason?

Gu Jun chuckled and said contemptuously: "I'm very responsible to tell you that Xiao Qiao's parents died by accident. Xiao Qiao has no enemies. As for you, our family caretakers are very good. We've never had the blood of a good man in our hands. Even the most vicious people are sent to prison to be solved by law. Unless your family is a very poor and vicious person, we'll have nothing to do with you We can't have a grudge. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!