You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 725

Gu Junzhu frowned and walked towards him quickly.

Ye Xingbei was so scared by his angry momentum that he hurriedly chased after him and grabbed his clothes: "Hello, tell Xiao Qiao, don't be angry with him, Xiao Qiao, he..."

"Pa" of a crisp ring, Qiao drunk hands of wine bottle fall to the ground, fall of smash, interrupted Ye Xingbei's words.

Qiao Zui turned a deaf ear to the broken sound of the wine bottle. He grabbed another bottle and opened it. He looked up and poured it.

Gu Jun ran to him and snatched the wine bottle in his hand.

Joe was drunk, his legs softened, and he knelt down to the ground.

Seeing that his knee was about to kneel on the broken wine bottle on the ground, ye Xingbei lost his voice and exclaimed in fright. Gu Jun stretched out his hand to pick him up and slapped him on his head: "promising! My arm is useless, and I don't want my leg, do I? "

Joe shook his body and leaned against the wine cupboard. He looked at Gu Junzhu with red eyes: "little uncle, I don't understand. It's just fine. I asked you to take us to her house to talk about marriage with her parents. She was very happy. After taking a bath, she suddenly said we were not suitable..."

"She said it's not right, you'll be right if you're drunk?" Gu Junzhu slapped him again and wiped the cold sweat from his palm on him. "Look at your success. Don't say you're my nephew when you go out. It's a shame!"

"You're almost done!" Ye Xingbei gouged out his eyes, held Joe's uninjured arm and pulled him to sit down on the sofa. "Since Xiaomi was very happy before taking a bath, he was suddenly unhappy after taking a bath. What happened when he took a bath No, bathing? "

Ye Xingbei suddenly came back and coughed awkwardly, "you You and Xiaomi... "

Qiao Zui spread out the palm of his right hand which he had been holding tightly, revealing that he gave it to misheng, and then misheng gave it back to him: "I proposed to her, she agreed, but after taking a bath, she took off the ring and gave it back to me, saying that she didn't think we were suitable..."

"Idiot!" Gu Junzhu sneers, dials Gu Qi's mobile phone, presses the loudspeaker, and throws the mobile phone on the coffee table. "Xiao Qi, check the call records of misheng. Who has misheng contacted in the past hour."

Gu Qi answered yes.

The mobile phone did not hang up, ye Xingbei heard the sound of crackling on the keyboard from the receiver.

Soon, Gu Qi replied, "young master, twenty-eight minutes ago, miss misheng contacted her mother Si Yun twice. The first time was that miss misheng's mother called miss misheng, and the call lasted six minutes. The second time was that miss misheng called her mother, and the call lasted five minutes."

Gu Junzhu frowned: "misheng's mother?"

"Yes," Gu Qi said, "in the past 12 hours, misheng has only contacted her mother by herself."

"the mother of Cha misheng," Gu Jun ordered one by one: "the call records of Cha misheng's mother in the past 24 hours, to see if she has contacted anyone other than misheng in Fengcheng."

The sound of tapping on the keyboard sounded again. A moment later, Gu Qi replied: "young master, an hour ago, a user named Yi Xinning called miss misheng's mother's mobile phone. Eighteen minutes after the two ended their conversation, miss misheng's mother called miss misheng's mobile phone."

"Yi Xinning?" Qiao Zui, who buried his face in his hands, suddenly raised his head, "mother of Fang Yixian?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!