You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 726

"I know she did it!" Gu Junzhu sneered, "last night, she saw misheng as if she had seen a ghost. Her daughter Fang Mingzhu yelled that she was your fiancee, ah."

Gu Jun said coldly, "what's the relationship between jamiesheng's mother and Yi Xinning?"

Gu Qi said: "young master, it may take a little time."

Hackers can't solve this problem. They have to send someone to find someone familiar with misheng's mother and Yi Xinning to ask for information.

Some rich and noble families are good at hiding, and they may not be able to find out in ten and a half days.

It depends on their luck and each other's ability to hide their privacy.

Gu Junzhu said: "as soon as possible!"

Gu Qi shouts out loud.

After Gu Junzhu hung up Gu Qi's phone, he connected Gu Chi's mobile phone again: "Xiaochi, send someone to bring misheng back."

Gu Chi hesitated: "young master, I think Miss misheng is in a bad mood. I'm afraid she won't agree to come back."

Gu Junzhu looked at the palm print on Qiao Zui's face and sneered, "if she doesn't want to, you can find a way to make her want to. I want to see her in an hour!"

Gu Junzhu's tone is too shocking. Ye Xingbei is afraid of Gu Chi's misunderstanding. He directly uses strong words to misheng, which will not end well in the future. He hastily adds: "Xiao Chi, don't mess with me. You can think of some ways, such as telling Xiao Mi that Xiao Qiao's arm has been hurt and fainted in pain. She still reads her name in her mouth and asks if she wants to come to see Xiao Qiao."

"Yes, young lady," said Gu Chi, "I see."

Hang up the mobile phone, ye Xingbei exhaled and asked Qiao Zui: "what's the relationship between Xiaomi's mother and Fang Yixian's mother, do you know?"

"I don't know," said Qiao Zui, shaking his head. "I've never heard brother Yao mention it."

Ye Xingbei looked at the palm print on his face and frowned. He got up and took a piece of ice, wrapped it in a towel and handed it to him for cold compress.

She found that Gu Wu ye saw the slap mark on Qiao Zui's face, and his anger went straight to the top.

This person is the mouth is hard, the mouth dislikes nephew not to be able to, estimate in the heart painful eyes, slap print on Joe drunk face, but like fan in his heart.

Joe drunk took the ice wrapped in a towel and said in a low voice, "thank you, little aunt."

"It's OK," Ye Xingbei made a pot of tea for Gu Junzhu, and handed it to Gu Junzhu, "drink some tea, calm down, don't be so angry, we're going to bake the house."

"I'm not angry," Mr. Gu took a sip of tea. His voice finally eased. He was no longer angry and cold as if he was wrapped in ice. "I hate iron but not steel. I'm in my twenties. Look at his promise."

The leaf Star North slants him one eye, "otherwise how you are a little uncle, he is not a little uncle?"? Isn't it normal to lose love and lose control of emotion? There is no reaction at all. It's hard hearted and abnormal! "

"Can you get your wife back if you lose control of your emotions?" Gu Jun sneered, "drink a few bottles of wine to get drunk, the problem can be solved, and misheng can come back? It's lucky for him to have only one arm broken. It's good for him to come back alive! "

Qiao Zui covers his face with ice. His good nephew is trained to be a grandson. He sincerely bows his head and apologizes: "little uncle, I'm wrong. I'm too impulsive. I'll change it later."

Gu Jun Chuchi a, side body, back to his tea, out of sight, out of mind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!