You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 724

Looking at Joe drunk face gradually swollen palm print, misheng mood collapse.

She grabbed Joe drunk's hand, big tears came out of her eyes and shook her head desperately, "no! It's not your fault, it's my fault! I'm sorry, I don't deserve you, you forget me

She pushed Joe away and ran out of the door.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei are talking to situ Jinse in the living room. When they hear the footsteps, they see misheng running down the stairs with tears in his eyes.

Situ Jinse stood up in surprise, "millet, what's the matter with you?"

Misheng stops and bows to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei. "I'm sorry, I have something else to do. I'll go first. I'll disturb you!"

Without waiting for Gu Junzhu to speak to Ye Xingbei, she straightened up and ran to the door.

"Xiaomi, what's the matter with you?" Situ Jinse said to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei in a hurry: "I'm sorry, little uncle and little aunt. I'll go to see Xiaomi!"

She ran after her in a hurry.

Qiao Zui also ran down from upstairs and ran out after misheng.

Ye Xingbei was shocked and looked at Gu Junzhu: "what's the matter? Didn't you have a good day yesterday? "

Gu Jun shook his head, took out his mobile phone and called Gu Chi: "looking at Xiao Qiao."

Gu Chi answered immediately.

Qiao Zui catches up with misheng, grabs her arm and just wants to ask an answer.

He wanted to know what he had done wrong, why he was still fine the moment before, just took a bath, and suddenly everything changed.

Misheng cried and shook his head and kept saying sorry.

She didn't dare to say anything to Joe except these three words.

What is she going to say to Joe?

I'm sorry, your parents were killed by my father. I'm the daughter of your father's enemy. There's a blood feud between us.

She can't say it.

Joe is different from her.

She didn't know who her father was when she was young. She didn't even know the name of her father. She didn't have any feelings with her father.

But Joe's drunk is different.

Look at Qiao Zui's look when he mentions his parents. Qiao Zui loves his parents very much.

Love, love.

If let Joe drunk know, he fell in love with his father's daughter, let Joe drunk how to bear?


She can't say.

She couldn't let Joe know that he had just fallen asleep and killed his father's daughter.

She didn't want Joe to hate her and hate her when he knew she was the daughter of his father's enemy.

She'd rather Joe didn't know anything.

Situ Jinse saw that misheng's crying voice was hoarse, and her face was almost collapsed. She broke off Qiao Zui, grabbed misheng's hand, held him behind her, and said to Qiao Zui, "drillmaster Qiao, I don't know what happened between you and Xiaomi, but you and Xiaomi are so excited that it's not suitable to talk about things. Can I take Xiaomi away first, and then talk about it when you calm down? ”

Qiao Zui gradually calms down as he looks down and covers his mouth with tears.

He raised his hands, stepped back a few steps, nodded, "OK, you find a place to live, and we'll talk about it when Xiaomi calms down."

Situ Jinse holds misheng's hand and turns to leave.

Gu Chi, who follows Qiao Zui, beckons for two bodyguards to follow misheng and situ Jinse.

Joe is drunk and stupidly looking at the back of misheng and situ Jinse disappearing in his sight. Then he suddenly turns back and returns to the villa.

Entering the living room, he went straight to the wine cabinet.

Opening a bottle of brandy, he looked up and filled the whole bottle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!