You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 723

"How dare you threaten me? What are you Fang's mother sneered, "the Fang family has worked so hard to support you, but you collude with your brother and give birth to Fang Yao, the wild seed. You have lost the face of the Fang family! If it wasn't for you shameless thing, the old man can't say how many more days he can live! You'd better pray that bastard misheng will honestly believe you and separate from Qiao Zui. Otherwise, I won't spare you two foxes! "

Fang's mother hung up her cell phone and threw it aside.

Fang Mingzhu, sitting beside her, looked at her blankly: "so Is Fang Yao's biological mother my father's sister? Yes, my aunt? "

"Don't mention that bitch!" Fang's mother almost bit off her teeth: "your father and I had already given birth to your brother. Si Yun, the bitch, seduced your father and gave birth to Fang Yao. You are not such a shameless aunt!"

Fang Mingzhu looked at her: "what about misheng? Is misheng my father's daughter, too? Are misheng and Fang Yao brothers and sisters of the same father and mother

"You don't care about her!" Fang's mother gnawed her teeth and said, "as long as you know, as long as misheng believes what I taught Siyun, she thinks that Qiao's parents are dead in her own father's hands, so she has no face to be drunk with Qiao!"

"Pearl..." She took Fang Mingzhu's hand and touched Fang Mingzhu's face with the other hand. "Believe mom, mom won't let Si Yun's cheap daughter rob the man you like. Qiao Zui is yours! Mother swears, no matter what the cost, mother will let you marry Joe drunk

At that time, she let Si Yun hook up with her husband.

Now, she won't let her daughter lose to Si Yun's daughter again!

"Ma!" Fang Mingzhu threw herself into Fang's mother's arms and put her arms around her neck. "Mom, you are the best. I must marry brother Xiao Qiao. I must..."


Qiao's villa.

Misheng calms down a little, then dials the phone to Siyun and asks Siyun why her father killed Qiao's parents.

Si Yun refused to say anything, but said that now Qiao's parents and her own father are dead, the grudge has been settled, and she didn't want to mention the past.

Misheng couldn't ask anything and hung up powerlessly.

She didn't know how she got out of the bathroom.

As soon as he went out, Joe came over drunk.

He was dressed in a white casual suit, tall and straight as a magnolia tree, beautiful peach blossom eyes with a smile, coagulation with her, gentle and affectionate as if she was his world.

Misheng looked at him, a broken heart into ten million pieces, pain she shivered.

Joe drunk to see her look wrong, slightly frowned, holding her shoulders, drooping eyes to see her, voice gentle: "what's the matter? Is it uncomfortable? "

Misheng was cold all over. His hands and feet were stiff. He pushed him away. Shaking his fingers, he took down the ring from his hand and put it into his hand. He said in a trembling voice: "yes, I'm sorry I thought about it. We, we are not suitable for... "

Joe was stupefied when he was drunk. What did misheng say? His pupils suddenly contracted. He held her shoulder and looked down at her eagerly: "what's the matter with you, Xiaomi? Didn't we make a deal? When we pay homage to my parents, I will ask my little uncle to propose marriage to your parents, and we will get married. We.... "

"I was just so impulsive!" Misheng's heart was bleeding, but he tried hard to hold back the tears in his eyes, pushed him away, turned and walked out: "I think well now, I'm still very young, I don't want to get married for the time being, and And I suddenly find that I don't seem to like you... "

She was drunk with her back to Joe.

Every word she said seemed to gouge out her own heart with a knife.

She fell in love with her for so long that she got it in a dream.

But A good dream wakes easily.

Qiao Zui catches up with her, blocks her way, grabs her arms and looks down at her. He is dazed, flustered and at a loss. "Xiaomi, did I do something wrong? Do you think I don't respect you enough? I apologize to you. I'm wrong. I, I... "

He couldn't think of anything else to say, raised his hand and slapped himself in the face, "millet, it's my fault, I will respect you in the future!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!