You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 722

After washing and dressing, her mobile phone rings when she blows her hair in the mirror.

She turned off the hair dryer, picked up her cell phone and looked at it, frowning slightly.

Staring at the mobile phone screen for a few seconds, she still connected the phone, and just drunk with Joe when the gentle and sweet, her expression is very cold: "Hello, mom? What can I do for you

On the other side of the mobile phone, a soft voice came from a woman. Her voice was a little urgent: "Sheng Sheng, are you in love with a man named Qiao Zui now?"

Misheng frowned: "Mom, how do you know?"

"You can't be with him!" Si Yun said eagerly: "Sheng Sheng, listen to your mother, leave him immediately, and don't associate with him. Do you hear me?"

"Why?" Misheng frowned tightly: "Mom, I love him, I want to marry him, I will not separate from him!"

"You can't love him!" Si Yun's voice trembled violently: "Sheng Sheng, listen to mom's words, break up with him, go home immediately!"

"I won't break up with him!" Misheng raised his voice firmly: "Mom, although I don't know why you let me separate from him, I have a clear answer. I love him. No matter what happens, I will never separate from him. If you have nothing else, I'll hang up first."

"Don't hang up!" Si Yun said in an urgent voice: "I, I will tell you the reason It's almost the death day of Joe's parents, isn't it? "

Misheng was cold and had goose bumps. He held his cell phone tightly and straightened his back: "Mom, who did you listen to? Do you know Joe? How do you know so much? "

"Yes, I just know, because Because... " Si Yun said in a trembling voice: "Qiao's parents were killed by your own father..."

“…… What, what? " Misheng seems to have been hit by a flash of lightning. His body shakes and his eyes turn black.

She held on to the dresser and didn't fall. She held on to her cell phone and asked, "Mom, what are you talking about? Say it again

Si Yun repeated: "Sheng Sheng, Qiao Zui's parents were killed by your own father. After your father killed Qiao Zui's parents, Qiao's family avenged Qiao Zui's parents and killed your father. Between you and Qiao Zui, it's killing your father. You can't be with him. Sheng Sheng, do you hear me? Sheng Sheng... "

After Si Yun heard the sound of a mobile phone landing, a busy sound of "Dudu" came from the receiver.

She called back in a hurry.

No one answered.

Holding her cell phone, she sat for a long time, slowly breathed a breath, closed her eyes and dialed another number: "Yi Xinning, what you asked me to say to misheng, I just told her, she should never be drunk with Joe again, remember your promise, keep all the secrets, don't disturb my life in the future, I love Junyuan very much, I don't want to talk with you any more Fang family, anything to do with it! "

At the other end of the phone, Fang Yixian's mother Yi Xinning holds the phone and sneers, "Si Yun, you have to be careful! You are as like as two peas, and your daughter is the same as you when you were young. You are also a fox. I heard that stepfathers and stepdaughters are the best match. Watch out for Michon to return, robbing your husband and giving you three.

"Yi Xinning, don't deceive people too much!" Si Yun's face turned white: "remember your promise, don't disturb my life, otherwise I won't let you go!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!