You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 719

"Oh, right," Ye Xingbei said, "you said, maybe."

Playing with Gu Junzhu's fingers, she sighed: "it's true that all happy people are similar. Each unfortunate person has his own misfortune. I think I'm already unlucky enough. Fang Yao is no less than me. Mr. Fang and Mr. Fang Lutong are OK enough. They treat illegitimate children as orphans and let their original wives support them. After so many years of concealment, it is estimated that any original wife will go crazy if she knows the truth. "

She stopped, "but she's crazy. She should go crazy with Fang Laozi and Fang Lutong. What's the matter with nearly killing Fang Yao? Although everyone says that the illegitimate child is the original sin, it can not be guilty to death, right? What's more, she has been raising it for more than ten years, and she has no feelings at all? "

"Not only that," Gu Jun said, stroking her hair, "Fang Yao has feelings for her. Even if he was almost killed by her, he still flatters her and shows filial piety to her, hoping to make her accept himself again. But since then, Fang's mother has regarded him as a thorn in the flesh and beaten him several times. Fang's father really can't stand it, so he takes Fang Yao to his old house to raise him 。”

"Poor Fang Yao." Ye Xingbei loves Fang Yao, who is over ten years old.

All of a sudden, his father's own son turned into an illegitimate son who had nothing to do with his mother. The blow to a teenager was big enough. Later, he was beaten by a woman who was his own mother several times. How sad should he be?

She thought of herself as a teenager.

Although the tragic experience is not the same, but the degree of tragedy Well, Fang Yao seems to be worse than her.

"What about misheng? What's the relationship between misheng and the Fang family? " Ye Xingbei didn't forget that Fang's mother suddenly got angry when she saw misheng.

Gu Junzhu shook his head, "I don't know about this, but I've asked people to check it."

He is not a Fengcheng man, and Fang family also because Qiao Zui and Fang Yao have a good relationship, only to deal with a few times.

He only knew this when Qiao Zui was nagging about Fang's ruthlessness.

As for the others, he has asked people to check.

His nephew's pain is like that. How can the Fang family give an explanation!

See his brows depressed, ye Xingbei know he is in a bad mood, raised his hand to touch his face, soft voice comfort: "don't be unhappy, Xiao Qiao will be better, tomorrow I call ya'er, Qingqing there stable, let her come back quickly."

Gu Jun rubbed the top of her hair and looked down at her with a more relaxed look. "It's a good performance today."

Ye Xingbei blinked: "what performance?"

Gu Jun knocks her forehead one by one: "the performance of Jiefang mother."

Ye Xingbei shook his head, "I didn't mean to. I just saw that Xiao Qiao was so painful. The old woman didn't feel guilty at all. I was angry."

"The explosion is good," Gu Jun rubbed her head and said with a smile, "this kind of thing should be done by your little aunt."

It's natural for ye Xingbei to take care of Fang Mu.

If he is a big man, he will lose his identity.

No wonder dad always said that the hostess is indispensable to a family.

No matter how capable he is, there are some things that only women can easily do.

He turned over and pressed on Ye Xingbei and gave her a kiss on her lips. "Ye Xiaobei, I find that you are like a mysterious treasure. The deeper you dig, the more surprise you can bring me."

No one does not like to be praised, ye Xingbei is no exception.

She clearly wants to show a little bit of reserve, but the corners of her mouth can't help picking up.

Just as she was about to be modest, Gu Jun kisses her mouth and takes off her clothes: "so, I decided to dig you more deeply!"

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