You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 718

"Well." Gu Junzhu also picked up the photo frame on his bedside table.

Ye Xingbei looks at it.

This is a group photo of Gu Junzhu and Qiao Zui's family.

At that time, Gu Junzhu looked young, but he could see what he looked like now.

He stood beside a gentle and quiet woman with a smile. On the right side of the woman was a gentle man with glasses.

In front of the three, Joe and Joey.

Ye Xingbei pointed to the woman in the photo: "is this your elder sister?"

"Well," Gu Junzhu's fingertips fondled gently from the photo nostalgically, "many people say that elder sister is like mother, elder brother is like father. This sentence is more appropriate in our family. They all love me, but it's a pity..."

The dead have passed away. It is clear that they have been away from the world for so long, but when he recalls what they looked like before they left, he is still heartbroken.

Ye Xingbei saw his sadness, took the frame out of his hand, steadily put it back on the bedside table, reached for him and said, "are you tired? Why don't you get some sleep? "

Hearing the pain and worry in her voice, Gu Jun tilted his mouth and patted her gently, "I'm ok."

He is not a sentimental person, but the death day of his elder sister and her husband is approaching, and he can't help recalling the past.

Joe is drunk and cold, but he is hurt, he is distressed and angry, but it seems to become a lot more vulnerable.

Ye Xingbei put his hand on his chest and buried his cheek in his arms. He asked softly, "do you know what happened to Fang Yao and Fang's family? I saw that Fang Yao was very sad when his father passed away. I thought they had a good relationship, but Fang's mother hated each other very much. "

Gu Junzhu said: "I don't know much about Fang Yao. I only know that Fang Yao was originally adopted by the Fang family, but since he was born, he was taken back. The Fang family has always said that he was born. So before Fang Yao was a teenager, Fang Yao always thought that he was his own son. At that time, Fang's mother still loved him, but his father was cold to him."

Ye Xingbei was surprised: "is Fang Yao an adopted son?"

"No," Gu shook his head. "Fang Yao is not an adopted son, but an illegitimate son."

"Ah?" Ye Xingbei looked up at him, "whose illegitimate son."

"Fang Yixian's father, Fang Lutong's illegitimate son," Gu Jun touched her face. "It was probably when Fang Yao was twelve or thirteen years old. One day, I didn't know what happened. Fang's mother suddenly went crazy and had Fang Yao tied up and nearly killed him alive. At that time, Fang Yao thought that he was his mother's own son. He thought that he had done something wrong unintentionally, which made his mother angry. Later, he learned that he was his father's illegitimate son. Fang's father deceived Fang's mother, saying that he was an orphan. Fang's father ordered them to adopt Fang Yao. But more than ten years later, Fang's mother suddenly found out that she had been an orphan for more than ten years, but she was actually her father-in-law Fang's mother couldn't accept the illegitimate son that her husband and other women gave birth to outside. After that, she began to abuse Fang Yao. "

He rubs Ye Xingbei's head, "however, these are all said by Qiao Zui. As for whether the truth is like this, I've asked people to check. Many times, the secret from the rich is just the false news they put out. As for the truth, Fang Yao may be Fang's mother's son who killed his father."

Ye Xingbei opened his eyes, "really?"

"Really what really?" Gu Junzhu rubbed her head with a smile, "silly girl! I'll give you a casual analogy. Are you serious? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!