You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 720

Ye Xingbei speechless pushed him, "Gu Junzhu, do you want to be shameless? Your nephew hurt like that, you still have the mind to mess, you just heartache is pretended

"How can this be called chaos? Xiao Qiao is really hurt, but the relationship between him and misheng is developing by leaps and bounds. It's a blessing in disguise. You feel sorry for him here. Now he's in his room and he doesn't know how to love misheng. Are you stupid? " Gu Wu Ye resisted her push, skillfully took off her clothes, and kissed her white jade smooth skin. Her charming voice was indistinct, and her magnetic low soft made her limbs soft.

Ye Xingbei grabbed his wrist and bit him, "Gu Junzhu, you must be a fake uncle!"

Gu Jun chuxiao, continue to work hard: "I love him, just want to give him a few brothers, father and son soldiers, fight tiger brothers, we give him a few more brothers, no one dares to bully him."

“……” Ye Xingbei looked at him with admiration and said, "Mr. Gu, it's a pity that you don't become a lawyer!"

Gu Jun bit her lips, hot palms lingered on her body, "I have said for a long time, I am so gifted, do not do what line, is the loss of that industry."

Ye Xingbei

Forget it. She gave up.

Still, people are shameless and invincible.

Gu Wuye has been invincible for a long time. How can she compete with Gu Wuye?

no matter how hard she struggles to resist, her clothes are still completely taken off.

Her hands were pressed on top of her head, and she could do whatever she wanted.


the next day.

Qiao Zui wakes up from his lethargy, opens his eyes and sees misheng lying beside him.

Misheng sat on the chair beside his bed, his upper body lying on the side of the bed, his face facing him.

A strand of scattered hair covered half of her cheek, which made her face smaller.

Sleeping, she is less charming and more beautiful. She sleeps peacefully with her eyes closed, just like a quiet and open water lily.

Joe's heart pounded when he was drunk.

He couldn't help reaching out and touching misheng's cheek.

Misheng moved and woke up.

She sat up fiercely and was stunned for a moment before she remembered where she was now. She went to see Joe's injured arm and asked nervously, "how do you feel? Does it still hurt? "

She looked down and said with guilt, "I'm sorry, I want to look at you. I'm asleep."

She didn't have a rest on the plane. After getting off the plane, she went to Fang's house. She didn't sleep for two days and one night. In the second half of the night, she couldn't hold on and fell asleep.

"It's nothing. It's not a big deal. How can you watch it?" Joe drunk laugh, heart was sweet and happy feeling up full.

He looked down at misheng's legs and said, "are you numb?"

Misheng's heart was on Qiao Zui's injured arm. He didn't hear his question. He lowered his head and carefully examined Qiao Zui's arm. Seeing that it was better than yesterday, he was relieved: "fortunately, the medicine on it works, much better than yesterday."

Joe drunk slightly moved his right arm, there is no yesterday that was cut nerve like pain.

He was also relieved: "I'm ok. I feel great now!"

As long as it's not that painful way, it doesn't matter if you burn a few blisters on your arm.

"Still want to be careful," misheng really feel half body numb, but she also can't care, slow for a while, recovery almost, quickly took gauze and ointment, give Joe drunk medicine: "the doctor said, wound convergence, you can put on ointment, wrapped gauze." , the fastest update of the webnovel!