You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7137

Wen Guang believed the words of those cubs!

The idea made Fang Shanshan's heart jump and panic.

She knows exactly what she thinks.

The children of Gu family are right.

She did kill wenfeifei on purpose.

She is different from wenfeifei's biological mother.

Wenfeifei's biological mother was born in a good family, leaving wenfeifei a large legacy and a baby fiance from a famous family.

She was born poor and had nothing.

Because she was poor, Wen Guang worried that she married him for his money. Before marrying her, he signed a prenuptial property agreement.

According to the law, after they get married, Wenguang's property should be the common property of their husband and wife.

However, according to the prenuptial property agreement they signed, even if they got married, Wenguang's family property and the money he made had nothing to do with her.

This is an unequal treaty. When signing this agreement, she was humiliated and angry.

But she couldn't help signing.

Wen Guang's family has tens of millions, and she not only has no money, but also owes a lot of debt because her father failed to do business.

She doesn't marry Wenguang. Some beautiful young girls are willing to marry.

However, it is difficult for her to meet such a good man.

Weighing the pros and cons, she finally chose to marry Wen Guang.

Although Wenguang's property has nothing to do with her after signing the prenuptial property agreement, at least she can enjoy life with Wenguang.

She can live in a big villa, served by drivers and servants, and enjoy the life of rich people.

When she coaxes Wen Guang's heart, she can let Wen Guang buy her a house, a car and jewelry.

Wen Guang's wealth of tens of millions is enough for her to enjoy.

Moreover, Wenguang's property has nothing to do with her. What if she gives birth to Wenguang?

When she gives birth to Wenguang, can Wenguang still say that his property has nothing to do with their children?

After a hundred years, her children got the property of the Wen family, which was almost the same as what she got?

She was born in poverty. In this era of clear class, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't change her birth.

But she can change the birth of her child by marrying Wenguang.

With this idea in mind, she endured her unhappiness, signed a prenuptial property agreement and married Wenguang.

From a poor family with a lot of debts to a rich family with a fortune of tens of millions, she was satisfied at first.

The rich life made her feel like she was in heaven.

Wen Guang helped her pay off her mother's debts. She has no debts and is light.

She was very satisfied with her life. At first, she really loved Wen Feifei.

Because she knew that Wen Guang was watching her.

If her attitude towards Wen Feifei fails to satisfy Wen Guang, Wen Guang will divorce her at any time.

She did it. She made a commitment to Wen Guang before marriage and treated Wen Feifei as her own.

It was not until she gave birth to her own children that her mentality gradually changed.

She thought that she had given birth to a son, and the Wenjia would be her son sooner or later.

However, by chance, she learned that when Wen Feifei's biological mother was seriously ill, she once asked Wen Guang to sign a guarantee to ensure that the Wen family would be inherited by Wen Feifei in the future.

Wen Guang loves his wife very much. In order to let his wife leave at ease, he signed a guarantee and notarized it.

In other words, the guarantee has legal effect.

In the future, the heir of the Wen family will not be her son, but Wen Feifei!, the fastest update of the webnovel!