You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7136

Wen Guang didn't speak.

Over the years, scenes flashed in his mind.

He didn't think much when no one reminded him.

Someone reminded me, as if a curtain had been lifted in front of me.

It was like a flash of insight that he suddenly realized.

Although the family's children are young, they are not nonsense.

Everything is traceable.

Fang Shanshan is a smart woman. She is a good internal helper. She takes care of everything in her family in good order,.

Her own two children, her education is versatile, polite and excellent.

Only Wen Feifei, who is spoiled by her, fights, smoking, drinking, dyeing her hair, falling in love and swearing.

To this end, he has been furious for many times, and has been cruel to punish Wen Feifei, breaking up more and more bad problems.

However, every time he disciplined Wen Feifei, Fang Shanshan would jump out and stop him.

She kept wenfeifei behind her and said that wenfeifei was still young and would be sensible when she grew up.

As Gu's children said, he took care of it and Fang Shanshan protected it.

Taking care of one by one, he not only failed to correct wenfeifei's problems, but wenfeifei's problems are still increasing, which has now led to a great disaster.

Before, when no one said this, he never thought Fang Shanshan was intentional.

Maybe it's a fan?

He thinks Fang Shanshan is a good woman and treats his daughter and his ex-wife better than her own children.

Therefore, he loved and praised each other.

Only today did he realize that everything was false.

Fang Shanshan's love for Wen Feifei is just a cover for her.

She is really smart, much smarter than those stepmothers who abuse their stepchildren.

He loved his early wife very much.

Before he married Fang Shanshan, he clearly told Fang Shanshan that he loved his dead wife and his daughter.

Fang Shanshan must be able to treat Wen Feifei as his own before he is willing to marry Fang Shanshan.

He still remembers that Fang Shanshan looked at him affectionately and said that if she loved him, she would accept everything about him. She would take care of his daughter as her own daughter.

Fearing that Wen Feifei would be wronged, when he remarried, he did not consider women with good conditions, but chose Fang Shanshan, who came from an ordinary family and had a difficult family.

Although Fang Shanshan's family background is general, she is slim, beautiful and firm. She will be good to Wen Feifei.

So he married Fang Shanshan.

Over the years, Fang Shanshan worked as a full-time wife at home, took care of the family in an orderly manner, and educated his son and little daughter with good grades and politeness.

Except that wenfeifei is crooked and impeccable.

He always thought that he had a good eye and married the right person.

Only now did he know that what he took was not a good woman, but a woman with a heart and deep government.

He was fooled around by this woman, and even thanked this woman for being a virtuous wife who helped him a lot.

That's ridiculous.

He was ashamed of his stupidity.

He rubbed his face hard, looked at Fang Shanshan and said slowly, "until now, do you still want to deceive me? I never doubted you before because you pretended too well and I trusted you too much. Now someone has lifted your mask. If I'm still stubborn, I deserve to be killed by you.", the fastest update of the webnovel!