You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7138

She can't stand it.

According to the rules handed down by the ancestors, the family property should be the son's. how can it be passed on to Wen Feifei?

However, she can't argue with Wen Guang.

Because she is not Wen Guang's original wife.

What is lost is the best.

Wenguang's original wife left when Wenguang loved her most. She is Wenguang's red rose and white moonlight. Her living current wife can never compare with a dead man.

If she had a theory with Wen Guang, Wen Guang would certainly question her whether she married him for his money.

Moreover, although wenfeifei's biological mother is dead, her grandparents and uncle are still alive.

Her grandfather retired from the system, rich and well connected.

Her uncle is still working in the system. He is in a high position and holds real power. Even Wen Guang dare not offend him.

If she cares about the property she has promised to wenfeifei, wenfeifei's grandfather and uncle will stand up for wenfeifei.

Wen Feifei has Wen Guang's eccentric love and is supported by her grandfather and uncle. She really has no chance of winning with Wen Feifei.

So she decided to use the "support and kill" method to make everyone hate wenfeifei and give up wenfeifei.

Even biological fathers, grandparents and uncles will be disappointed with a child who is full of dirty words, fights, smoking, drinking and puppy love sooner or later?

When you are young, you fight, smoke, drink and fall in love. Will you smoke D, kill and set fire when you grow up?

These things, even if they only touch one, wenfeifei will be ruined in her life.

If Wen Feifei is destroyed, can he still be the heir of the Wen family?

Of course not!

And she has done nothing but being nice to Wen Feifei, and no one can blame her.

She thought it was a wonderful idea.

So, from that day on, she did everything to Wen Feifei, and she was very "good".

Wenfeifei lied, and she helped to answer the lie.

Wenguang is afraid that wenfeifei will learn badly and refuses to give wenfeifei money. Even if she secretly sells her jewelry, she will give wenfeifei a lot of money.

Wenfeifei smokes, drinks and has puppy love. She helps wenfeifei cover it up.

Wenfeifei is in trouble. No matter how much money she spends, she is willing to help wenfeifei deal with it.

Wen Feifei thought her stepmother was much better to her than her father. She asked her for money and came to her when she was in trouble.

And she, hiding from Wen Guang, gave Wen Feifei as much money as she wanted. She didn't scold her for causing any trouble.

Wen Feifei's courage is getting bigger and bigger, her character is getting worse and worse, and her reputation is getting worse and worse.

Seeing that her plan is about to succeed, Wen Feifei has become a person who hates dogs. Before long, even Wen Guang and her grandfather and uncle will hate her. An accident happened.

Wen Feifei doesn't even know that he bought the fierce young master's sulfuric acid!

If the boy who was splashed with sulfuric acid was not the young master of the family, she would be very happy.

Throwing sulfuric acid is a vicious event, which is enough to explain Feifei's evil. Wen Guang and Wen Feifei's grandfather and uncle know that they will hate Wen Feifei.

Moreover, throwing sulfuric acid is not a trivial matter such as fighting. Wen Feifei will be detained.

Wen Feifei's fiance's family is a respectable family. She won't let her son marry a girl like Wen Feifei.

The baby's kiss was ruined.

All of wenfeifei's backers will give her up.

At that time, Wen Feifei will lose the inheritance right of Wen's group, and the Wen family is his son's., the fastest update of the webnovel!