You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7135

He didn't want to believe what Qin Junye said was true, but when he thought about it carefully, what Qin Junye said was reasonable.

Only in this way can we explain why Fang Shanshan has taught her two children very well, but she has skewed the provision of wenfeifei.

"Why?" he looked at Fang Shanshan with complicated eyes and asked, "why did you keep Feifei crooked?"

Fang Shanshan turned pale: "husband, you misunderstood me! I didn't raise Feifei on purpose. I really love her!

You can't doubt me just because a few children make random guesses! "

"We don't guess randomly, we have a reason!" Qin Jun looked at her contemptuously and said, "there is no hatred or love for no reason in this world.

Everyone's heart is long and eccentric, so eccentricity is normal.

As a normal woman, if there is no other reason, how can she be better than her own flesh and blood for the children born to her husband and another woman?

Since you have no reason to treat wenfeifei better than your own children, why do you treat wenfeifei better than your own children?

The answer, of course, is that you deliberately make Wen Feifei useless, turn Wen Feifei into garbage, and use Wen Feifei's garbage to set off the excellence of your own children!

Oh, by the way, doesn't Wen Feifei have a baby kiss ordered by her biological mother?

You are jealous of the doll that wenfeifei ordered. The conditions are so good, so you deliberately raise wenfeifei crooked. You don't want wenfeifei to marry her doll's boyfriend! "

"What are you talking about?" Fang Shanshan's face flushed with anger. "How can you take the baby kiss casually? Moreover, how old is Feifei? She's just at the age of reading. How can she talk about a boyfriend?"

"Oh, Huo! You can speak honestly now. What did you do when she handed me the love letter to brother Yue?" Qin Junye despised her: "I've seen many people like you, that's to say better than singing, but you're more cruel than anyone, rubbish!"

"You don't have to argue, and we don't believe you," said xiaoshumiao, quietly looking at Fang Shanshan. "If you want people to know, unless you don't do it yourself, you and I know that you deliberately raise wenfeifei.

Because you deliberately raise wenfeifei crooked, adding a disaster to the society, so you have to pay the price you deserve. "

Xiaoshumiao looked at Wen Guang: "although the law can't punish a woman like her, we won't watch her enjoy her glory and wealth.

We know that you really love Wen Feifei, just one tube and one protection. The longer Wen Feifei grows, the more crooked she becomes.

If Wen Feifei does something wrong, you are also responsible, but you are not a bad person. If you are willing to draw a line with Fang Shanshan, we are willing to let the Wen family go.

If you and Fang Shanshan are deeply in love, and you are willing to share joys and sorrows with her, consider us not to have been here. "

After that, he looked at Qin Jun several nights, "let's go back?"

In fact, Qin Jun didn't say he had a good time, but xiaoshumiao seemed to have had enough here. He had to leave with xiaoshumiao.

After a few young trees left, the living room was quiet and the needles could be heard.

Fang Shanshan couldn't stand the silence that almost suffocated her in the living room. She said in a trembling voice, "husband, believe me, I really didn't deliberately raise Feifei! What do some children know? They're all nonsense!", the fastest update of the webnovel!