You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 713

Fang Yixian let some people into the living room. Just as she was about to invite them to sit down, Fang's mother suddenly grabbed the tea cup on the table and smashed it at misheng ferociously, "who let you in? Get out. You are not welcome here. Get out of here at once

Between the electric light and flint, Qiao Zui protects misheng with a side body.

The teacup hit Qiao Zui's injured right arm. Qiao Zui shivered in pain, his face turned pale as snow, and his cold sweat dripped down from his forehead.

Ye Xingbei exclaimed: "Xiao Qiao?"

She hurried over to check.

Gu Junzhu also stepped forward quickly, looked down at Qiao Zui's arm, frowned tightly, and asked in a deep voice: "how?"

Seeing that Gu Jun was sinking face by face like water and the wind and rain were about to come, Fang Yi frowned and told the housekeeper, "come on, call Doctor Zhang."

Ye Xingbei rolls up Qiao Zui's sleeves.

The tea is boiling hot.

Joe was only wearing a thin shirt.

His skin is like a girl's skin, white and thin. When ye Xingbei saw him, there were bubbles of different sizes on his arm.

For Qiao Zui, the most painful thing is not the burning bubble, but the feeling of the right arm after the teacup hit the right arm.

It's like a stab in the nerve. The whole arm is numb.

He had been biting his teeth, and he was still shivering with pain.

Fang's mother has no premonition, and suddenly attacks her. Misheng is ignorant.

When she came back, she saw the blisters on Joe's arm.

Her tears welled up and her heart trembled: "why is it so serious? Does it hurt? It's all my fault... "

"What's wrong with you?" Situ Jinse fiercely stepped forward and angrily questioned Fang's mother: "are you sick? Out of the respect of each other's grandfather, we specially come to express our condolence to grandfather Fang. How can you lose your temper indiscriminately? "

Fang's mother's face was livid. She grabbed a cup on the tea table and threw it on the ground: "you are not welcome here. My father-in-law doesn't need your condolence. You all get out of here, and you, Fang Yao..."

Her cold and hateful eyes fell on Fang Yao's face, "take your friends and leave here immediately. Your friends are not welcome here, let alone you! Now that the old man is dead, this family has nothing to do with you. In my lifetime, I don't want to see you again. Get out of here! "

"Ma!" Fang Yixian frowned and said to her, "if you have anything to say, we'll wait until grandfather's funeral is finished. Anyway, we'll let grandfather finish the last journey at ease. You..."

Before he finished, ye Xingbei went to the tea table, grabbed the teapot, opened the lid, and threw it on his mother.

Fang's mother screamed and fell on the sofa.

"Ma! Fang Yixian called his mother and saw his mother rolling on the sofa in pain. He looked at Ye Xingbei with an iron face: "Mrs. Gu, you are too much!"

"You'd better keep that with your mother." Ye Xingbei's face turned red, and he said angrily, "the comer is a guest. Your mother does not know what's wrong with her, so she shoots at random to hurt others. Xiao Qiao's arm is injured by defending the country. What qualification does she have to let Xiao Qiao hurt more?"

Fang Yixian said: "anyway, my mother is an elder. Does Mrs. Gu not even understand the principle of respecting the old and loving the young?"

Ye Xingbei laughed, "didn't you listen to people? It's not that the old people are shameless now, but the shameless people are getting old! Animals can't become adults even if they live for hundreds of years , the fastest update of the webnovel!