You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 714

"Ye Xingbei, don't deceive people too much!" Fang Yixian got up and glared at Ye Xingbei: "my mother didn't mean to hurt Qiao Zui. The reason why my mother suddenly got angry is that she got angry. You don't know anything. How can you be so rude to your elders? This is the kind of upbringing, young lady

"You said she didn't mean to hurt Joe drunk, but she did. Joe's face turned pale and he was shaking all over. Do you think she has a trace of guilt? Can you say sorry to Joe or sorry? Is there a little regret in her eyes for hurting Joe drunk by mistake? " Ye Xingbei said coldly, "she didn't! Joe was scalded and shivered with pain. She didn't have a trace of guilt, and she kept telling us to get out of here. Is this the education of your Fang family? "

Fang Yixian was speechless when questioned.

Indeed, in order to protect misheng, Qiao Zui was injured by the teacup. It can be said that his mother was injured by mistake.

But after the accidental injury?

His mother had no reason to apologize for Joe's drunkenness.

He repeatedly questioned Ye Xingbei's upbringing. What about his mother's upbringing?

They didn't treat each other with courtesy. Why should they be polite to each other?

Gu Junzhu went to Ye Xingbei and stood beside her. He put the palm of his hand on Ye Xingbei's waist and looked at him and said, "my wife's upbringing doesn't bother you. I think my wife's upbringing is very good. In fact, you should thank my wife for taking Xiao Qiao's Revenge on the spot. Otherwise, it won't be so simple when I do it."

Fang Yixian beat a spirit, and tie Qing's face gradually turned pale.

He was not afraid of Gu Junzhu, but he did not want to be an enemy.

Gu Junzhu's identity, his circle of friends and his own ability are enough to make people afraid.

As long as there is a chance, he doesn't want an enemy like Gu Junzhu.

He bowed his head, pinched his eyebrows, breathed a sigh, and looked up at Gu Junzhu: "I'm sorry, brother five. My grandfather suddenly died. My mother was so sad and unstable that she hurt Xiao Qiao by mistake. I apologize to Xiao Qiao on behalf of my mother. Anyway, Xiao Qiao is my grandfather's favorite younger generation. My grandfather hasn't gone far. If there is a dispute between our two families, my grandfather will surely go It's not peaceful. "

"Little uncle, little aunt, forget it," said Joe, with a pale face and a slow breath after he was drunk. "Let's go."

Anyway, he has to take care of Fang Yao's mood.

Fang Yao, who was surrounded by him, saw that he relieved his breath and turned to his mother.

He stood in front of the tea table, looked at Fang's mother coldly and said, "my grandfather has passed away. There is nothing left for me in this family. I will never come back. You can rest assured."

The teapot was thrown on Fang's mother's chest by Ye Xingbei. Fang's mother only felt that piece of meat was hot and painful.

She was spoiled and pampered since she was a child. She had never suffered like this. Her heart was spasmodic. She grabbed the only cup left on the tea table and smashed it in the past: "go away! Get out of here! I don't want to see you again in my life! "

Gu Jun pushed Fang Yao one by one. The cup was empty and fell to the ground.

"Mom, that's enough!" Fang Yixian frowned impatiently and said in a loud voice: "come on, send your wife back to her room to have a rest!"

Outside the door, the housekeeper immediately called two maids to take Fang's mother back to her bedroom.

Fang Mingzhu, who was dragged by him, took the opportunity to get rid of him and rushed into the living room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!