You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 712

Fang Yixian is surprised to see misheng, but he is always happy and angry. No one can see his surprise.

He saw the relationship between Qiao Zui and misheng at a glance. He thought that the world is small and can make fun of people. Misheng walked into Fang's house in such an identity.

As soon as they got to the door of the living room, before they went in, a girl ran out of the living room and rushed straight to Joe drunk, with a face full of excitement: "brother Joe, you're here!"

Fang Yixian looks at his sister's shining eyes staring at Qiao Zui, and then looks at misheng standing beside Qiao Zui, sighing silently in his heart.

It's a bad relationship.

Joe drunk and the girl say hello: "pearl."

"Brother Joe, I knew you would come. I've been waiting for you!" Fang Mingzhu's eyes were fixed on him, and there was no one else in his eyes.

She said so plainly, as long as it is not a fool, can hear what she means.

Qiao Zui frowned and put his hand around misheng's waist. He looked down at misheng's beautiful peach blossom eyes and said: "Pearl, introduce me. This is my girlfriend, misheng. You can call her Xiaomi or Xiaomi sister."

Misheng's heart beat and his face turned red.

She and Joe drunk between the feelings, has been hazy, no one directly broke, but two people can feel, each other's love and serious.

She likes Joe to be drunk.

Worship Joe.

From childhood to adulthood, many boys have pursued her, but she didn't feel at all.

Only in the face of Qiao Zui, she blushes and heartbeats, eager to have. Every time after meeting Qiao Zui, she has to chew what she and Qiao Zui have said and done in her heart again and again, and then roll around wrapped in the quilt. She dislikes her stupidity and doesn't perform well at all.

She was ecstatic to find that Joe liked her.

Then the two people like primary school students, muddled up exchanges.

She is still considering, if Qiao Zui has not confessed to her, whether she should take the initiative to confess to Qiao Zui, Qiao Zui suddenly announced that she was his girlfriend in front of so many people.

She blushed with shame, and her heart beat like it was going to come out of her chest.

Fang Mingzhu's face turned red, but she was in a hurry.

Anxious and frightened.

She beat Qiao Zui down, hugged misheng's arm and said in a hurry, "brother Qiao, what are you talking about? My grandfather told me to marry you long ago. How can you find another woman to be your girlfriend

Qiao Zui took misheng's hand, stepped back, frowned and said, "what grandfather Fang said is just a joke. I never promised. I like Xiaomi. Please respect my choice."

When he came to Fang Yao, he half jokingly asked him to marry Fang Mingzhu, but he refused on the spot.

Fang Mingzhu is not his dish. He doesn't feel for Fang Mingzhu.

Fang Mingzhu looked at the two people standing side by side. The red tide on her face gradually faded and her face turned pale.

She shook her head and murmured, "no, it's not like this..."

Fang Yixian doesn't want to make the scene too ugly. He pulls Fang Mingzhu aside and gives it to the housekeeper. He makes a gesture of invitation to Gu Junzhu: "my little sister is spoiled by the family. Let brother five laugh. Brother five and sister-in-law, please come inside."

Fang Yixian let several people into the living room.

Fang's mother knew that Gu Junzhu was coming. Seeing the crowd coming into the room, she stood up to greet him. She was about to say a few words of politeness to Gu Junzhu.

When she looked up, her face changed when she saw misheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!