You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 711

Arrange everything of Y country, say hello to Ye Xingli, Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei fly away from Y country, and arrive at Fengcheng the next evening.

Besides Gu Junzhu, ye Xingbei, Qiao Zui, Fang Yao and Duan Yanbing, misheng and situ Jinse also came to Fengcheng with them.

But it's understandable.

Fengcheng is an internationally famous hometown of candy. Most girls have little resistance to sweet candy.

With Joe's three inch tongue, it's not difficult to fool misheng and situ Jinse back to his hometown.

Of course, the most important thing is that misheng also has feelings for Joe's drunkenness.

Although they haven't pierced the thin window paper between them, we can see that they are a pair of each other's favorite by looking at their small appearance when they get along with each other.

After arriving at Fengcheng, the people didn't rest.

Gu Junzhu gives Duan Yanbing, Xiao Shumiao and Ling Yue to the Qiao family who come to pick up the plane. Together with Ye Xingbei, Qiao Zui, misheng and situ Jinse, he follows Fang Yao to Fang's home.

Originally, ye Xingbei wanted to let misheng, situ Jinse and their two children go to Qiao's house to have a rest. As a result, misheng and situ Jinse insisted on going with them to mourn for father Fang. Ye Xingbei nodded and agreed.

Both misheng and situ Jinse are very cultured girls. Although they are tired from the journey, they are not tired. They follow them quietly and go to Fang's house together.

They followed Fang Yao to the back hall.

As soon as he entered the door, Fang Yao knelt down in front of the ice coffin, tears crackled on the ground, choked and said: "grandfather, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

He knelt to the ice coffin and looked down at the old man in the ice coffin.

The old man was kind-hearted and had a serene face, as if he was sleeping.

Fang Yao lay on the ice coffin, crying.

Men have tears, but not to sad place.

Gu Jun took the incense from the Fang family and worshipped him in front of him.

After the worship, Qiao Zui came forward and held Fang Yao's arm, "brother Yao, I'm sorry, your leg is still injured. Grandfather Fang will feel sorry to see you like this."

Hearing the housekeeper's report, Fang Yixian, the young master of the Fang family, came in a hurry.

Seeing Gu Junzhu, he said politely, "I didn't expect five brothers to come. Five brothers have a heart."

Gu Jun nodded: "I'm sorry."

Fang Yixian looks sad: "no one thought, grandfather, he said no..."

By the side of the ice coffin, Fang Yao's body seemed to have fallen. Qiao's drunk right arm was injured again. He couldn't pull up.

Hearing Fang Yixian's voice, he quickly turned his head and said, "brother Xian, come and help me. The ground is too cold. His legs can't stand it. After kneeling for a long time, he turns back and hurts to death."

Fang Yixian sees Fang Yao lying on the ice coffin crying silently, sighs, and quickly walks over to help Qiao Zui pull Fang Yao up from the ground.

He bent down and patted Fang Yao's knee, then pinched his shoulder, "well, grandfather loves you most. If he is still there, you have to feel sorry for your body. For nothing else, you have to take good care of yourself for grandfather's peace of mind in the underground."

He hugged Fang Yao's shoulder, pushed him out, looked at Gu Junzhu, and said, "brother five, please come to the living room."

The party followed Fang Yixian to the front yard.

On the way, Qiao Zui introduced Ye Xingbei, misheng and situ Jinse to Fang Yixian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!