You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 710

Ye Xingbei said, "I'll book the ticket. I'll go with your uncle."

Joe looked up at her.

She explained, "your little uncle said that your parents' death day is coming. He will go back to pay homage to your parents."

Joe nodded in silence.

Ye Xingbei sighs silently, gets up and goes to one side, takes out his mobile phone, tells Gu Junzhu the news of Fang's death, and asks if he wants to return to Fengcheng with Qiao Zui.

As she expected, she got a positive answer.

Gu Junzhu said that he would ask his subordinates to book the earliest flight back and let her pack up.

Hang up the mobile phone, see not far away concern comfort Fang Yao Chi Yu and Yue ya'er, she slowly walked over, asked Chi Yu: "ah Yu, clear awake? How's it going? "

"It's good." Late Yu late fine now situation and leaf Star North briefly said one time.

"That should be the best result now, and it will be better in the future." Ye Xingbei is happy for him.

After a pause, she said: "ah Yu, Gu Junzhu and I have decided to take the earliest flight home..."

She took a look at Yue ya'er: "if you don't feel at ease, you can let ya'er accompany Qingqing for a while. When Qingqing's condition is stable, we'll send someone to take ya'er back."

"That's the best," Chi Yu said gratefully, "sister-in-law, thank you so much. When the situation is stable, Xiaozhan and I will send Dr. Yue back in person. We promise to protect Dr. Yue and never let her suffer any injustice."

Ye Xingbei looks at Yue ya'er: "ya'er, is that ok?"

Yue ya'er nodded, "yes."

She wants to see Chi Qing recover quickly and be a normal person.

"Well, that's settled," said Ye Xingbei. "Then you can do as you like. I have to go and pack up."

"Thank you for your sister-in-law," Chi Yu said again. "I'm in a hurry. I don't think I'll have a chance to thank my brother-in-law and sister-in-law this time. However, there's a long way to go. In the future, Chi's family and Gu's family are the closest partners. If I have a chance, I'll thank my brother-in-law and sister-in-law again."

"Don't be so polite," Ye Xingbei said with a smile. "Helping others is the foundation of happiness. I'm very happy to see your family and Meimei."

Let Chi Yu and Yue ya'er help themselves and tell Fang Yao and Qiao about Gu Junzhu's decision. After getting drunk, she goes back to her room to pack up.

Qiao Zui sat in the yard with Fang Yao for a while, worried that his legs would hurt again when he was cold. He dragged him up from the ground and took him to the living room.

He poured a cup of hot water into his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "brother Yao, I know you feel bad, or would you cry? It's better to cry. "

Fang Yao was holding his water cup and staring at the ground without saying a word.

Grandfather is the best person in the world to him.

He's the only family he admits to.

But just because he had a heart knot with that family, he didn't want to go back. He even wandered outside to heal his wounds and refused to live at home. He didn't even see his grandfather's last face.

He is unfilial.

Joe sat on the sofa with him, patting him on the shoulder and sighing.

He and Fang Yao came back from the army and went back to see him for the first time.

At that time, the old man was still very good.

Who would have thought that in just a few months, yin and Yang would be separated.

Things change.

Think of the parents who died young. Joe's eyes are blue.

Why don't good people live long?

Evil can live for a thousand years.

So, he'd better be a disaster. , the fastest update of the webnovel!