You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7108

How could it be okay?

Chi Zhan is going crazy when he thinks about that picture.

"I'm wrong, ya'er," he admitted quickly. "I'm not good. I'm too careless and didn't escape. I was bumped into my arms by that woman. I'll pay attention to it and never make such a mistake again."

Yue ya'er glanced at him lightly. "Well," he said, "go wash and prepare for dinner."

"Ya'er..." Chi Zhan wanted to hold her, but Yue ya'er dodged.

Chi Zhan's hands and feet were cold and his heart was flustered. "Ya'er, will you forgive me? I will pay attention in the future and never make such a mistake again!"

"I forgive you," Yue ya'er said faintly, "I also believe in your character. I believe you didn't lie to me, but you can't ask me to be happy immediately. You have to give me time to let me put it down slowly.

If I come back from the outside with a man's breath and say to you that a man accidentally took me in his arms, I'm wrong. I'll be careful next time. Can you act as if nothing has happened? "

You can't do it late.

He will want to find the man and screw off the man's head!

He can't do it himself. What qualifications does he have to ask Yue ya'er to do it?

Yue Yaer turned and walked to the kitchen. He took two steps, stopped, looked at his shirt, and went back to his room to take a bath and change his clothes.

He went into the bathroom and took off his shirt. He leaned under his nose and smelled it. It was a vulgar smell of fat and powder. No wonder his wife found lipstick on his shirt? How much perfume did the woman spray?

So disgusting!

He threw his shirt into the trash basket in disgust.

After taking a bath, I changed my clothes and went downstairs. The food was ready.

Before? As long as the two of them get together? Will talk and laugh? Say, will make trouble, make trouble? Just... That's what.

But today? Yue ya'er kept bowing his head to eat his own food and ignored him at all.

He tried to find a topic. Yue ya'er just answered? Superfluous words? Not a word.

Yue Yaer is calm? Their present situation should not be regarded as a quarrel.

Is it the cold war?

No experience? I don't know if this is the cold war.

But he felt cold domestic violence!

He finally knows what cold domestic violence is!

What he is suffering now is domestic cold violence!

This feeling is too bad.

He would rather Yue ya'er scold him? Beat him up? I don't want Yue ya'er to treat him so coldly.

He was so upset and anxious that he couldn't eat.

Yue ya'er saw that the food in front of him didn't move much. He said faintly, "eat the food. You have to eat enough to solve big things. You really can't eat it? Just drink some soup? Eat something easy to digest."

Chi Zhan was very moved.

Is his wife angry? Still care about his body? His wife is the best, but he makes his wife angry, woo woo.

Blame that damn woman!

How wide is the corridor? Where can't she run well and have to run into his arms?


The corridor is so wide that the woman doesn't go anywhere. She has to bump into his arms. Should she take the initiative to throw herself into his arms and want to attract his attention?

If so, he can't spare that woman!

Thinking of this, he ignited his fighting spirit in his chest, took the food in front of him as the woman, chewed and swallowed it viciously., the fastest update of the webnovel!