You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7107

Their recognition of mother and daughter is all the credit of Yue ya'er.

If Yue ya'er didn't see the similarities between Sheng Yuanxi and the head of dongfangze hall, it's still unknown whether they can recognize their mother and daughter in this life.

Shu Ning is grateful to Yue yaer.

Sheng Yuanxi, not to mention that Yue Yaer helped her regulate her body. It's not too much for her to say that Yue Yaer is her reborn parents.

The mother and daughter were very enthusiastic about Yue ya'er. They talked with Yue ya'er for a long time before leaving, leaving a large amount of expensive gifts.

After sending the mother and daughter away, Yue Yaer went back to the laboratory.

She is studying skin care products recently.

Good skin care products have high prices and huge profits. If she can develop effective skin care products, she can open a skin care company with Ye Xingbei, and she will certainly make a lot of money.

Although she and ye Xingbei are not short of money, who is too rich?

Moreover, her life is too boring now. If she doesn't find something for herself, she's afraid she'll be depressed.

After finishing an experiment and seeing that it was getting late, she stretched and left the laboratory.

She came to the living room and sat by the bar. She poured a glass of water and drank it slowly.

I didn't finish a glass of water. I came back late.

At the moment of seeing her, Chi Zhan's black and bright eyes brightened, and his face raised a big smile. His young and handsome face was like bright sunshine, which brightened everyone's heart.

Yue ya'er sat in a high chair and smiled at him.

She just came out to wait for Chi Zhan to come home.

She likes to see Chi Zhan when she gets home. She will be very happy to see the smile on Chi Zhan's face.

Chi Zhan changed her shoes, walked over quickly, hugged her and kissed her as usual.

The two people do this every day. When they meet, they have to wear their ears and temples together.

In the past, Yue Yaer would respond enthusiastically.

When two people kiss, something inconvenient to describe often happens.

Young couple? The feeling is good. Together, it's like the sky thunder hooking the earth fire. It's difficult for the feeling to be self-contained.

But today? Yue ya'er only held the late Exhibition for a moment? Will push the late exhibition away.

Is it wrong for Chi Zhan to see her? Doubt asked her, "ya'er, what's the matter?"

Yue Yaer didn't speak? Smoked a napkin? Put it on Chi Zhan's chest.

A light lipstick print appeared on the napkin.

Although the color is very light, they can see that it is lipstick print.

Looking at Yue ya'er's suddenly cold look? The cold sweat on his forehead came out at once.

Lipstick print?

Why is there lipstick on his shirt?

His brain rotates at a great speed? Remember soon? "Ya'er? Listen to me!"

"Hmm? I'll listen to you." Yue ya'er sat lazily by the bar and said calmly, "I'm not in a hurry. You make it up slowly."

Chi Zhan's heart trembled. "I'm not making it up, it's true! Today in the corridor of the company? I don't know which department's woman suddenly ran out? Ran into my arms? The lipstick print must have been left at that time!"

Is he wearing a black shirt today? Rubbing lipstick marks, he didn't see it at all. How did his wife find out?

His wife is too good, isn't she?

"Oh," Yue Ya said lightly, "even if you are telling the truth, so what? If I go out to work one day and come back with a man's perfume, you can say it with great grace." never mind., the fastest update of the webnovel!