You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7109

After eating, Yue ya'er got up and went upstairs.

Naturally, the kitchen maid cleaned up the table. Don't worry about late exhibition. He followed upstairs.

In fact, he still has a little business to deal with today. He originally planned to go to the study to do some after having a full meal, but now he is completely in no mood.

He called his special assistant and gave the rest of the work to his special assistant. He followed Yue ya'er into the bedroom.

Yue Yaer went into the bathroom to take a bath. He hurried around outside.

The more he turned, the more flustered he became. He couldn't help sending a private message to his eldest brother: eldest brother, how can you coax your eldest sister-in-law when you make her angry?

His cell phone rang soon. It's from his big brother.

He connected his cell phone, put it in his ear and called big brother.

"What's the matter with ya'er?" Chi Yu asked, "you make ya'er angry? What's wrong with you?"

Chi Zhan: "

He opened his mouth and asked him what he had done. Is this his brother?

"I'm wronged!" he said the story angrily: "I suspect that woman was intentional, otherwise she wouldn't hit anywhere in such a wide corridor and had to hit me in my arms?"

"Look back," said Chi Yu. "If she really meant it, get her away quickly. If one day she climbs your bed while you're not paying attention, be careful that her siblings castrate you!"

Chi Zhan fought a cold war, "brother, don't scare me."

"It's light to castrate you," Chi Yu said. "It's possible to divorce you, castrate you and kill you."

Chi Zhan's hair stood up, "impossible! I absolutely can't let other women climb my bed!"

"The tiger still has the time to nap. There is no absolute thing in the world." Chi Yu said, "what you have to do is to nip in the bud, nip the possible hidden danger in the bud, and check it carefully. If that woman has a mind for you, get rid of her quickly."

"OK!" Chi Zhan hurriedly promised, "I'll check it immediately when I go to the company tomorrow."

"As for the younger brothers and sisters..." Chi Yu thought and said, "any woman will be unhappy when she encounters such a thing. She won't mind unless she doesn't have you in her heart and her younger brothers and sisters like you. She's angry. Don't quarrel with her and coax her well."

"How dare I quarrel with her?" Chi Zhan said with a sad face. "Seeing that she didn't smile at me, I was so worried and flustered."

Chi Yu gave a cry.

He believed that.

Just received a private letter from his brother. He was surprised to see his brother ask him what to do if he made his wife angry.

It was a great surprise to him that his brother was so persuasive in front of his sister-in-law that he could make his sister-in-law angry.

So he immediately called

"Elder brother, are you sneering or laughing?" Chi Zhan said discontentedly, "I called you to learn from you. How to coax my wife, I don't want to hear you laugh at me."

"Oh, so? I'm really sorry," said Chi Yu with no sincerity. "Your sister-in-law coaxes me all the time in our family. I never coax your sister-in-law, so I don't have much experience. You can do it yourself!"

Chi Zhan: "

That is to kiss big brother. If someone speaks like this, he will strangle him!

"Men coax women, but that's all?" although Chi Yu has no experience, he still actively helps him give advice. "Give gifts, say sweet words, kneel on the keyboard, kneel on the washboard and kneel on durian. You can choose the same first. If you can't, you can use it all. One can always work.", the fastest update of the webnovel!